New Flat Cajamarca DWG Block for AutoCAD

Full Plano New Cajamraca district, province of Rioja, San Martin department.

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

ups, nm, buenos aires, ricardo palma, cordillera del condor, san miguel, new victory, cedar, freedom pacayacu, san juan de solitor, solitor river, treasure, hope, union, love field, rio naranjillo, santo toribio, angaza, tumbaro, naranjillo, under naranjillo, happy sight, tupac amaru, san pablo, qda. pacuyacu, pearl of daguas, miraflores, palestine, capuli, paradise, the colca, bellavista, new santa cruz, golden sun, rio yuracyacu, guayaquil, bolivar, nuevo eden, valor, second jerusalen, the future, san fernando, rio may, yuracyacu, atumplaya, betania, rio yuracyacu, spring, florida, auditorium, pool, sshh, compute, warehouse, classrooms, workshops, primary and secondary, ce initial ,, jr. tacna, jr. grau, jr. bolognesi, jr. jaen, jr. the delights, jr. santo toribio, jr. santa isabel, pje. colon, jr. chiclayo, central park, tahuantinsuyo, school, jr. cuba, jr. mexico, jr. san antonio, jr. juan velasco alvarado, jr. bambamarca, jr. juan velasco alvarado, stadium, jr. jose olaya, jr. tupac amaru, jr. sucre, pje. oxapampa, pje. aguajal, jr. empire, jr. lima, pje. san jose, prol. jr. san francisco, jr. san marcos, pje. san vicente, jr. san lucas, jr. san pablo, jr. micaela bastides, pje. junin, jr. san carlos, pje. amazonas, jr. santa elena, jr. Juan Velasco, Jr. pachitea, av. rioja, jr. beautiful villa, jr. belen, jr. san jose, jr. santa maria, jr. california, jr. santa rosa, jr. the palm trees, jr. the geraniums, av. l a f l o r i d a, plaza de armas, jr. the olive trees, jr. canada, jr. junin, jr. ayacucho, jr. san fernando, jr. huanuco, jr. arequipa, jr. puno, jr. moquegua, jr. apurimac, jr. huancavelica, jr. ica, jr. amauta, jr. francisco pizarro, jr. independence, jr. Daniela. carrion, jr. federico villareal, jr. Simon Bolivar, Jr. ramon castilla, jr. leoncio prado, jr. jose olaya, jr. amauta, jr. jose carlos mariategui, jr. andres a. caceres, jr. santa rosa, av. san martin, av. arica, av. amazonas, av. the trade, av. brazil, av. santa rosa, av. san jose, av. jorge chavez, av. Progress, c.e., jr. san martin, jr. yurimaguas, av. atahualpa, jr. union, pje. san juan, jr. piura, jr. amazonas, jr. cajamarca, av. new cajamarca, jr. santa teresita, jr. bitterness, jr. May 2, jr. victor raul, jr. cutervo, pje. galindona, pje. the mercedes, pje. the cucardas, jr. the cedar, pje. pumacahua, pje. cheerful sight, jr. piura, jr. alfonso ugarte, jr. ukraine, jr. chota, jr. santa cruz, pje. cochabamba, jr. cutervo, pje. tacabamba, jr. san luis, pje. lajas, jr. garcilazo de la vega, jr. the laurels, jr. new eden, jr. future, jr. miraflores, jr. nazareth, jr. the jasmine, jr. the tulips, jr. the almonds, park, new eden, jr. commerce, jr. the alamos, street the cedar, jr. los angeles, jr. freedom, pje. of the moon, pje. the countryman, av. Miguel Grau, av. cajamarca, cemetery, cafetin, property, municipal, local, communal, post, medical, e. otorongo, mercado, area for industries, minister of, agriculture, board of, users, e.a, area for education, area for parks, and other purposes, area for recreation, avenida cajamarca, av. the florida, pje. the willows, tap, jr. jose olaya, jr. iquitos, jr. jorge chavez, bertha vasquez carranza, jr. ramon castilla, jr. tupac amaru, joel a. fernandez r., gregorio troya venegas, rosa m. troya venegas, magna mas mas, jacobo vela nauparin, leoncio navarro llatas, pedro pablo cortes marlos, aurelia rodriguez peña, antenor herrera b., jr. nicaragua, alfonso carrasco pedraza, property in disagreement with the opening of street, room of oreo, killing room, crematorium, barn, pig corral, yard maneuvers, guardian, kitchen, sink, laundry, free area, area for bullfighting , jr. the paradise, education and recreation, cas, esq manzan, education, other uses, area of ​​reccreacion, jr. italy, passage the cucardas, passage the mercedes, municipìo, primary classrooms, sidewalk, sports field, kitchen under construction, location of classrooms project, computer room, address, sanantonio, children’s garden, sanmarcelo, florida, latrines, laprimavera, santarosa, pearls daguas, archaeological museum, iep huallaquil, collection, lookout, audias huaman zurita, land to treat pass, exit box, carriageway trail, road carrozable, project location daguas bridge, tahuantinsuyo, new cajamarca city, bm- v, esq, tree, axis, av. brazil, av. commerce, av. miguel grau, av.san martin, la union, pl., esq., pq., jr.santa rosa, mz., av. ukraine, pje. san pedro, pje. san agustin, pje. santa lucia, market jose olaya, jr. ricardo palma, jr. Garcilazo de la Vega, pje. pachacutec, jr. huallaga, pje. the pines, prol. jr. ricardo palma, educational center, the Incas, educational center the Incas, property of the p.n.p., property of the church, Adventist reform, property of the municipality, river, porfirio tapia cubas, agapito tapia mendoza, reynaldo penachi, elio bust

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park, Pool, Deck / Patio
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