Plane Arica DWG Block for AutoCAD

Plane Arica – Chile

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Street alfionso nespolo, Street tobalaba, Street oscar belmar, green area, equipment, Olympic, pool, Centenary park, And.p.f., Of oil, Ponds, Renato Rocca, Anibal Celedon, Mussel Street, Andes street, Rio lluta, zone, J.a., school, Basic, Avda the conception, Street diaguitas., Avda. Striped court, Psje. Onas, F.c. Arica peace, Avda. Red robison cable., I attacked the attackers., Psje. Patagones, Psje. The Araucanians., Psje yaganes., Street the oak., Andes street, Avda the conception, Minutes, From the beach itself, Reach the security area, Area minor damages, General damages in low buildings, Generalized damage area, Time it takes a person to, police station, At the base of a nearly vertical wall, Pressure line, of security, Escape routes to the area, security zone, firefighters, Polyclinic hospital, zone, Area m.s.n.m., North area m.s.n.m., Area tsunami flood risk, Symbology, F.c. Arica peace, Avda. Red robison cable., Mussel Street, Avda. Striped court, Sold Wenceslas Wall., Sold Transit sanchez, Soldier jose maria silva., Avda. Striped court, Street tocopilla, Street the oak., Community, equipment, Avda the conception, green area, Oak street, Street amateur neghme, Avda. Red robison cable., to. Nagme, consulting room, Street tocopilla, F.c. Arica peace, Street amateur neghme., nursery school, center, religious, reservation, headquarters, Social, Commerce, Pedro montt, Puerto saavedra, Andalien street, Avda. the conception., Conj. Habt. Pucarani., Street the oak., Pucarani park, Soldier carvajal., Calle curali., school, Avda. the conception., Inc. Firefighters, Sold Hyacinth round, Sold Jose agustin, Sold Jose astudillo, Sold Jose rodriguez, Sold Jose maturana, Street the provider., Avda. Striped court, Soldier juan garcia, Avda. Cape robinson red., General francisco wins., Bulnes strong street., Marcoleta, Gral. Fco. Wins., Soldier bilny sanchez, Sold Transit sanchez, Sold Jose agustin, Sold Juan Escobar., Lake llanquihue, Lipigas, Renato Rocca, Psje. Tupahue, Avda. Antarctica., Street juan trabucco, of September, Neruda, Paul, Lyceum, Avda. Striped court, Street craftsmen., school, Calle lagunilla Calle lagunilla, Passage jotabeche., Avda. the conception., Cmdte. Javier castro, Jose maria caro, Antonio de las heras, General vergara., General bustamante., Colonel Barcelo, parking lot., Cable m. Chandias, parking lot., Passage jotabeche., Miraflores., Zaldivar only., Avda. Striped court, Street pedro blanquier., Robinson cable street, Psje. The ligua, Psje. San Rafael., Red, Psje. Chanaral, Psje. I. More outside., Psje. Constitution., Psje. Carahue., Psje. I. Desolation, Sergeant rebolledo., Colonel yavar, Sergeant colipi., C. Antume., Zaldivar’s only, Amengual, Cable m. Chandias, Robison rojas, Psje. I. Quiriquine., Commander oaks., Fco. Alvarez romero, service station, equipment, Sgto. Colipi., Avda. Antarctica., Cmdte. Amengual, Carlos antume., C., Psje. Paine, Psje. the cinnamon., Street craftsmen., Essat s.a., baseball, Diamond, Avenue capitan avalos, the fan, Alicahue, Navarino island, Island., Psje. I. Desolation, Psje. I. Quiriquine., Island alacran., I. Picton, Picton island, Cayetano Island., Island ovens., I.providencia., Argentina avenue, Psje. Quilpue., island, Psje. Balance, Lanco, Psje. Batuco, The artisans, High samo, Itata, Tupungato, Antuco, green area, Tinguiririca, Licancabur, I understand, Ollague, Licancabur, Lonquimay, Central the bull, Quarries, Tana, Tambillo, Muds, hunchback, The exotic, Muds, saltpeter, Avenue capitan avalos, Panguipulli, Gorbea, Antarctica, Avenue alejandro azolas, Disputed, Tambillo, Niblinto, Long vial, birth, Tana, Tambillo, Muds, green area, Alicahue, High samo, Quarries, green area, Chonchi, Tambillo, Gorbea, High samo, Panguipulli, Gorbea, Save the date, Acaliche, birth, the fan, green area, Quarries, Central the bull, birth, Panguipulli, Quarries, Pinto, Gorbea, equipment, Barns, birth, peace, Muds, Alejandro azola, Pucarani, Argentina, Copper, The artisans, Junior college, Oscar quina, North headquarters, school, or. Tarapaca, complex, Chapquin, the lieutenant, Avenue boundaries, Avenue boundaries, The pits, The african, The tofo, Penco, Equip, area, green, goatherd, Pinto, retirement, birth, Pinto, Gorbea, equipment, The tofo, Useful, Perch, Curacavi, Quarries, Penco, Chimbarongo, Curacavi, Chapiquiña, Lyceum, zone, University of tarapaca, Seat velasquez, Arica casino, Av.general velasquez, Av.costanera chile, Hotel el paso, San Martin, Park, Vicuña maquena, colon, square, Coastal, Cmdte., San marco, school, San marco, of May, of September, firefighters, Inc, integrated, school, Eduardo frei, Alonso de camargo, Manue bulnes, Renato Rocca, Senator luis valente r., High palena

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
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File Type dwg
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Footprint Area
Building Features Pool, Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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