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Rural Property Entitlement Formalization Project – – Chuquibamba, Arequipa, Peru DWG Full Project for AutoCAD

Cadastral base of Chuquibamba. Map with coordinates UTM – – Universal Transversal Mercator. Results of Peru’s combined Special Project of Entitling Rural Lands and Property Records and the Agency for Formalization of Informal Ownership – – COFOPRI – PETT.

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

houses, zu, hill, abandoned, arequipa, alley, annex, pacaycha, eriazo, san francisco, entrance, canon, de sixto, melchores, road a, san, francisco, el morro, town, huichara, monte, alley, eriazo , road, puyuto, urb., zu, road, choquec, tahuana, corral, road to chuquibamba, puyuto town, tierra blanca, hill, jaranahue, hill huisja, jaranahue, area, urban, urban area, district, iray, a arequipa , zone, urban, abandoned, zl, sector oyacpampa, sector callanca, sector rinconada, hydroelectric, cienaga, road to itac, ruins, lot, sector itac, hill giron, hill huachuspanca, ruins of itac, pacchita, santa cruz, sunchus, rosemary hill, to the cuspids, road to Sihuan, house, huaynuna hill, white penalty, hill of angras, hill copara, bofedal, a cosme, way to cosme, town, chiringay, morro, zu, carmen, alto, collpancca, a carmen, z. u., to chiringay, village canchalca, parac, follow, to cuyan, hill paucarcollo, horseshoe, hill the song, white, road to arequipilla, road to arequipa, pampa del asia, annex, aulaxa, new neighborhood, annex arequipilla, ampi, annex sihuayta, casconsa, machol, main, utica, field, sports, market, iray, chuana, fundo, the hacienda, yaujapata, housing, housing, road to chuquibamba, well, round, road, chiringuay, house, town, chuquibamba, stadium, the, students, pedagogic, san pablo, cd, church, matrix, road, cotahuas, corral, shrubs, eriazos, hallhuac, umazana, school, morrograngra, ccosco, a carmen, deserted, coverage, arborea, inscribed, abandoned land, sectorcabracancha, papachacra, down to winery yoc, insc., zl, huanzo, eriazo, acho, a chuquibamba, ce san, cerro muyurina, ayawala, ajojra, road to cotahuasi, ca, rio, grande, camino de horseshoe, aarbore a, atitirca, ravine jarampa, esc, pool, land of cultivation, property of third parties, riogrande, pond, urupay, qda., jaranahui, qda., huacucani, pond huichara, moran, pond, puyuto south, water eye, the cienego, canal, echancay, sonsulla, rio, puyuto north, quebrada, quebrada dicla, iray pool, san antonio, eroded, arrazado, quebrada arajaura, razed, hidroelectrica, la rinconada, land, marshy, aguadita pond, itac, aequia, ditch , agua del monte, santa, rosa, corpus, albarrada, rosasniyoc, high channel, canal, machayrume, callanga, huisca stream, picha, huachuspanca, canal siguzan, canal manzanayoc, canchalca, wirugia, urupay, huacllay, est .. , take the band, sagsapacha, qda .., yauricoma, broken the song, cascanja, creek callihuari, channel aco large, gisdro, pinusma, quebrada huacucani, est. orchard pampa, est. upina, est. purauy, est., sucurhuay, est. ccosco, taguanca, well, community, huallhuac, a c e q u a, t i t i r c a, est. Cinto, s u m a y, pozas de oxidacion, est. shilque, est. pumarayco, qda. from, est. chacon, est. elderberry cucho, g r a n d, qda. chucurca, chucurca, urachjasi, estanq., dup

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Full Project
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File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
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Building Features Pool
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