Samaipata Plane – Santa Cruz DWG Block for AutoCAD

Samaipata plane – Santa Cruz

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Department, province, work zone, date of delivery, scale, # sheet, leaf distribution, military geography institute military school of engineering, geodesy geodesy chair e.m.i., project progeo, church, catholic, basketball court, plant, high, tension, hand ball court, tennis court, office, publish, rio animas, his seven road, rio animas, square, the miner, animas, office, comibol, school, animas, school, mariscal sucre, Offices, comibol, pulperia, radio, animas, labor union, Ranch, hotel, animas, Offices, comibol, super, quartermaster, hospital animas, chapel, evangelical, laboratory, chemical, master, plant, Deposit, rio animas, Street, street scent, street pisagua, street man lawn, street guzman, ayacucho street, street sucre, Street Bolivar, June street, calatayud street, avenue g. villarroel, avenue tonson, avenue and. avaroa, street chapare, street lopez lopez, Calama Street, street antofagasta, martin cardenas street, rene barrientos, xxvi, headquarters, seeded, I finish, hospital, evangelical, baptist, transporters, seat of, evangelical, supply, new radio, dawn, police, radio, mail, h. town hall, martin father, mothers club, supply, seedlings, square, Bulls, road cochabamba chapare, rio liriuni, rio pumillo, street mussels, door, military, socrates villazon, school, pablo samuel, school, fine savio, Street, Street, avenue and. avaroa, street cochabamba, orchard, seedlings, road cochabamba chapare, viscachani, rio chomoco boy, Street, seeded, lagoon, murillo street, Street, Street, murillo street, Street, street gral. Saavedra, Street, samaipata stadium, square, airplane, u.v., lagoon, murillo street, Street, Street, murillo street, Street, street gral. Saavedra, Street, samaipata stadium, square, airplane, u.v., lagoon, murillo street, Street, Street, murillo street, Street, street gral. Saavedra, Street, samaipata stadium, square, airplane, u.v., Street, light street, roman street dario, murillo street, street ruben terraces, street arenales, street sucre, street campero, Street Bolivar, Street, street mons. pain, Street, street abaroa, street ll, Street, street saavedra, av of the student, street ruben terraces, murillo street, street hermogenes perez, Street Bolivar, street trade, street map, street warnes, street saavedra, Street, calle arancibia, road cochabamba santa cruz, Street, square, principal, coop. phone, automatic, coop., Florida, church, catholic, esc. Juan, of the, cross, colic, from samaipata, slaughterhouse, hospital, Florida, school, fiscal, Otilia Vacadiez, samaipata, esc.

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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CAD Drawings

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