Samaipata – Santa Cruz – Bolivia DWG Block for AutoCAD

Map of Samaipata – Santa Cruz – Bolivia

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

stay, mendiola, big bell, stay, down valley, quirusillas, san juan del rosario, samaipata, stay castilla, will have, cm., San Isidro, cm., the stone, cm., beautiful victory, cm., pump, good herb, I play, san luis accommodation, stay, white feathers, the corner place, stay, last little valley, stay, little valley, cm., lagoon, court, soccer, pond, calvary, hundred, aqueduct, Underground, hospital florida, petrol pump, tel., dam, pool, building the bridge, neighborhoods tambillo, Water, virgen del rosario church, gualberto villarroel school, soccer field, hundred, soccer field, church purisima concepcion, hundred, beautiful view, high brave, the stony, the ceibos, good yerba top, port toco, the jet, open red, open chapel of the cross, the crown, campeche, the miscas, the stone, the strong, cedral, potrerillo, the lagoons, the corner place, the board, the shallows, canahuecal, sheet iii, samaipata, stay philadelphia km., stay taperas km., bermejo km., mairana km., stay the tuna km., mairana km., palmarito km., bolivia, the rodeo, floripondio, rich water, red hair, high hill of castilla, rodeo mountain range, jujube, ford, lemon, cemetery, ford, cemetery, dr. aurelio rivera mendez, pastureland, growing area, green forests mb, pipeline, pipeline approx.

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
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File Type dwg
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