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Sewer Connections DWG Detail for AutoCAD

Details – specification – sizing – Construction cuts

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

scale, scale, Of planning, Urban rural, D.p.u.r., Provincial municipality of huanta, date:, flat:, design:, drawing:, draft:, Arq. Hekart charahua s., Arq., Tec., Lev. top., division, draft, Location:, plants, Xxx, reviewed:, Arq., scale:, sheet, Xxx, Home connection, Eps, I love you, S.a., I love you, approved:, drawing:, reviewed:, Sewerage drinking water project, Phase of definitive study, kind, design:, Ces, Consulting engineers, Salzgitter gmbh, Peru branch, scale:, C. Angelescu, Gui,, N.n., Indicated, date:, Pvc, Hookah, Pvc, Pipe connection home pvc km mm, Ff frame cover, concrete, Registration box, description, item, material, Pvc, Ct., observations, variable, Collector with yee chair, Esc., Isometrica view tube detail, Esc., Isometrica view tube detail, Collector with chair tee, With chair yee, Esc., Manifold pipe detail, note, The chair must be secured with solder, While this forge places an abrasive, To secure the chair., Hookah, Elbow pvc km dn, Red drain pipe, Cahimba, Pvc, Prom., Pipe connection home pvc km mm, Elbow pvc km dn, Prom., variable, material’s list, detail, variable, cut, Esc., cut, Esc., variable, Mortar, Esc., Cash plant, variable, detail, Min, Esc., cut, detail, Mortar, Pvc tube, Mortar, Inspection box, Manifold pipe detail, Esc., Uf hookah, work:, District municipality of huancaraylla, date:, approved:, reviewed:, scale:, design:, drawing:, flat:, Indicated, April, Lamina nº:, I love you, Huancaraylla, Department:, district:, province, Huamanga, Home connections, district Municipality, From huancaraylla, mayor, Extension of the potable water service the sanitary sewer service in the locality of circamarca of the district of

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

scale, scale, Of planning, Urban rural, D.p.u.r., Provincial municipality of huanta, date:, flat:, design:, drawing:, draft:, Arq. Hekart charahua s., Arq., Tec., Lev. top., division, draft, Location:, plants, Xxx, reviewed:, Arq., scale:, sheet, Xxx, Home connection, Eps, I love you, S.a., I love you, approved:, drawing:, reviewed:, Sewerage drinking water project, Definitive study phase, kind, design:, Ces, Consulting engineers, Salzgitter gmbh, Peru branch, scale:, C. Angelescu, Gui,, N.n., Indicated, date:, Pvc, Hookah, Pvc, Pipe connection home pvc km mm, Ff frame cap, concrete, Registration box, description, item, material, Pvc, Ct., observations, variable, Collector with chair yee, Esc., Isometrica view tube detail, Esc., Isometrica view tube detail, Collector with chair tee, With chair yee, Esc., Manifold pipe detail, note, The chair must be secured with solder, While this forge is placed an abrasive, To secure the chair., Hookah, Elbow pvc km dn, Red drain pipe, Cahimba, Pvc, Prom., Pipe connection home pvc km mm, Elbow pvc km dn, Prom., variable, material’s list, detail, variable, cut, Esc., cut, Esc., variable, Mortar, Esc., Cash plant, variable, detail, Min, Esc., cut, detail, Mortar, Pvc tube, Mortar, Inspection box, Manifold pipe detail, Esc., Uf hookah, work:, District municipality of huancaraylla, date:, approved:, reviewed:, scale:, design:, drawing:, flat:, Indicated, April, Sheet number:, I love you, Huancaraylla, Department:, district:, province, Huamanga, Home connections, district Municipality, From huancaraylla, mayor, Extension of the potable water service the sanitary sewer service in the locality of circamarca of the district of

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Detail
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Concrete, Other
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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CAD Drawings

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