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Slab Multisport DWG Block for AutoCAD

Multisport slab and cyclopean concrete bleachers

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

plant, detail a-a, ilave, division of, projects, studies and, ilave – puno, locality:, project:, plan :, m.p.c., project, plants, topographical survey :, arch., design:, technical, eng. – arq., top., revised:, drawing cad:, scale:, date:, division of studies and projects, provincial municipality of collao-ilave, sheet:, net height for men, det. post support, det. Tension anchor, schematic scale, typical anchorage, main elevation, lateral elevation, network elevation, multiple basket and volleyball sport court, projection area, lateral line, service area, basketball, dilatation meeting plant, sportive soccer field , detail: painted, sports slab, base with solid material, rubbed floor, compacted ground, bb cut, cc cut, aa cut, gaskets: cuts aa, bb, cc, step, filling., sheet :, scale :, mayor :, provincial municipality el collao – ilave, project:, construction of multisport slab for the community of vilca maquera, architecture, plant and cuts, approved :, drawings :, cad drawing :, location :, sub management of projects and infrastructure, design :, rural urban development management unit of studies, investment projects and supervision, date: indicated, investment and supervision, studies unit, projects, mario huanca flores, swrj., sgatencio d.

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Concrete, Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features
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