Storm Water Drainage DWG Block for AutoCAD

Drainage Construction of stormwater drainage network

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Both beds, Both beds, In both beds, Compacted, variable, your B, In both beds, variable, Pllaser, goose, Tmx, Cas, Post, Ban, Ban, Cas, Cas, Acc, Acc, Pub, Ban, Ban, home, Ban, home, Ban, Lum, Ban, home, Ban, home, home, Pub, Drag, Arras, goose, Pub, home, Pub, water well, water well, dog, dog, dog, dog, dog, Pub, dog, dog, dog, Pub, Lin, dog, Pub, Pub, Pub, Tor, Posl, Torl, Coatzacoalcos, Beyond, new world, Marsh estuary, Coat, work zone, C.p. Morelos, Agronutrient, Av.transistmica, av. Veracruz University, center, Conventions, Hill of the table, Aurelio Lopez, General anaya, Torel, Torel, Torl, goose, Tmx, Cas, Post, Ban, Ban, Cas, Cas, Acc, Acc, Pub, Ban, Ban, home, Ban, home, Ban, Lum, Ban, home, Ban, home, home, Pub, Drag, Arras, goose, Pub, home, Pub, Pub, Pub, Pub, Pub, Pub, Pub, water well, water well, dog, dog, dog, dog, dog, Pub, dog, dog, dog, Pub, Lin, dog, Pub, Pub, Pub, Pub, Pub, Pub, Pos, Pub, Baq, Pub, channel, channel, channel, channel, channel, channel, channel, channel, channel, channel, channel, channel, Pub, Pub, Pos, Pub, Pub, Pub, Cun, Cun, Cun, Cun, Cun, Cun, Cun, with, with, with, with, Cun, Cun, Cun, Cun, Cun, Cun, Cun, Cun, Cun, Cun, Cun, Cun, Cun, Cun, Cun, Cun, Cun, Cun, Cun, home, home, Pos, close, with, with, with, close, close, close, close, bread, bread, close, bread, close, bread, bread, bread, bread, bread, bread, bread, bread, bread, Pos, close, bread, bread, close, Couple, Trees, Lda, Lda, Lda, Lal, Torl, Ksal, Ksal, Mufl, Lda, Lal, Pot, Lal, Potr, Potr, Potr, Potr, Potr, Lal, Lal, Lal, Postl, Postl, Postl, Postl, Lal, Lal, Lal, Lal, Cons, Cons, Cons, Muf, Cons, Muf, Lal, Lal, Lal, Lal, Post, Lda, Torl, water well, Lda, Lda, Lda, Lda, Lda, Lda, Lda, water well, Lda, Lda, dog, your B, your B, water well, dog, Lda, floor, dog, Muf, Lda, Lda, Lda, water well, Lda, Lda, Lda, Muf, Lda, Lda, Postl, Muf, Postl, Torl, Lda, Lda, Lda, dog, dog, Muf, Muf, dog, dog, your B, your B, your B, your B, Postl, Post, Lda, water well, Lda, Lda, Muf, your B, your B, your B, your B, dog, dog, Post, Muf, Muf, dog, water well, water well, water well, water well, water well, water well, water well, water well, water well, water well, Torl, Ksa, Ksa, Cons, Ksa, Cons, Cons, Lda, Lda, Muf, bread, bread, bread, Ala, ditch, ditch, ditch, ditch, ditch, ditch, ditch, ditch, ditch, bread, bread, bread, Ala, Ala, bread, bread, Ala, bread, bread, Ala, bread, Ala, bread, Ala, bread, bread, Pos, Near lam, Near lam, Near lam, Put it on, home, Bard, Bard, home, Sept, Sept, Sept, home, Palm trees, Palm trees, Cfe, Cfe, bread, bread, Bard, home, home, home, Palapa, Palapa, Palapa, Ceram, Ceram, Ceram, Ceram, Ceram, bread, bread, Ala, bread, Ceram, Ala, Well vis, home, home, Ceram, home, home, Ceram, Ceram, home, bread, bread, bread, bread, bread, bread, bread, bread, bread, Ala, bread, bread, bread, Pcfe, Pcfe, Pcfe, Colec, Colec, Colec, Colec, Colec, Colec, Pvisit, Pvisit, Pvisit, Pvisit, Pvisit, Pvisit, Pvisit, Pvisit, Cer lam, My channel, My channel, My channel, My channel, My channel, My channel, My channel, My channel, My channel, My channel, channel, channel, Channel, Channel, Channel, channel, channel, My channel, My channel, My channel, My channel, My channel, My channel, My channel, My channel, My channel, My channel, My channel, My channel, Pcfe, Pcfe, Ceram, Ceram, channel, channel, channel, channel, channel, channel, channel, channel, channel, channel, channel, channel, channel, channel, Arb, channel, channel, channel, channel, channel, channel, channel, channel, Pcfe, Pcfe, home, channel, Channel, Channel, channel, channel, channel, channel, channel, close, channel, channel, channel, Arb, channel, Channel, My channel, My channel, Colec, Colec, My channel, My channel, My channel, My channel, close, Colec, Colec, Ceram, Pcfe, Pcfe, Cer lam, home, Pvisit, Pvisit, Pvisit, Colec, Colec, Colec, Colec, Mayan, Pvisit, Pvisit, Pvisit, Pcfe, Cer lam, Pub, Pub, Colec, Ptel, Mayan, Colec, Colec, Cer lam, Arb, Arb, Arb, Arb, Arb, Bard, Colec, Colec, ramp, ramp, ramp, ramp, ramp, Pcfe, Colec, Colec, Bard, Pvisit, Pvisit, Pvisit, Colec, Colec, close, close, Colec, Colec, Bard, Ptel, close, Arb, Colec, Colec, Pcfe, Bard, Bard, Bard, Bard, Ptel, Bard, Colec, Colec, home, home, Bard, Bard, Colec, Colec, Bard, Bard, Pcfe, Colec, Colec, Bard, Ptel, Colec, Colec, Trag, Trag, Trag, Trag, Trag, Trag, Trag, Trag, Trag, Trag, Trag, Trag, Trag, Trag, Trag, Trag, close, close, close, close, Ptel, close, Bard, Palm, close, Phone, Pcfe, Ala, Cun, Cun, Cun, Cun, your B, your B, Cun, Cun, Cun, Cun, Mayan, Cun, Cun, Mayan, Mayan, Mayan, Mayan, Pub, Pub, Pub, Mayan, Mayan, Cons, Cons, Cons, Ala, Ala, Mayan, Ala, Ala, Mayan, ditch, ditch, ditch, ditch, ditch, ditch, ditch, ditch, ditch, ditch, ditch, ditch, ditch, ditch, ditch, ditch, ditch, ditch, ditch, ditch, ditch, ditch, ditch, Ceram, Ceram, ditch, ditch, Ceram, ditch, Azanja, ditch, ditch, Ceram, Azanja, Azanja, ditch, ditch, Pos, bread, bread, bread, bread, bread, bread, bread, Ceram, bread, bread, bread, bread, bread, bread, bread, bread, bread, bread, bread, bread, Ala, bread, your B, your B, ditch, Ala, ditch, ditch, ditch, ditch, Ceram, Ceram, Pos, Cer lam, Ceram, Ceram, Cer lam, Ceram, bread, bread, bread, bread, bread, bread, bread, bread, bread, bread, bread, bread, bread

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Deck / Patio, Car Parking Lot
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CAD Drawings

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