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Window City – Puchuncav DWG Block for AutoCAD

Cad of the coast of the province of Puchuncaví – Valparaíso Region – V region of Chile. Scale 1:5000

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

tower, stgo.torres, Healing Benavides, av.bernardo o’higgins, av. general velasquez, mayor ruperto bernal, tower, jose ramon perez, mayor juan jose mena, eusebio lillo, g. mistral, roberto rusque, Pablo Neruda, Silvia Herrera, the daisies, av. peace, central, diego de almagro, the illusions, Progress, ruperto vinegar, pje the, street one, stgo.torres, av.president rivers, Union, pje.paula jara, burned, pje.guacolda, pje.manuel rodriguez, c.henriquez,, cross, pje.lautaro, pje.los lilies, children, copihues, peas, dahlias, the pines, the maiten, the aromas, pje.el boldo, tiburcio estay, pje rio aconcagua, pje bio bio river, pje rio colbun, pje rio delta, pje rio elqui, pje river cold river, pje river gray, pje rio huemuules, the willows, San Camilo, pje, blest wins, the chestnuts, avda.costanera, sow, aguirre, Pedro, pje.corvi, Manuel Rodriguez, lieutenant merino, pje.p.a.cerda, arturo prat, the teat, horcon road, gonzalez, the, pje.el estero, the seagulls, ducks ducks, pjevilla la laguna, genara, pje.villa, Rest, from angamos, pity, gross, pity, pje.iquique, emerald, sports fields, the aromas, commander silva, the effort, Gabriela Mistral, Florida, Union, pje.latorre, north, pje.italia, Italy, pje.galdames, the beach, beautiful horizon, the looker, beautiful view, avda.pedro aldunate solar, avda. from sea, Saint Charles, einstein, Richard, enriches, Carmen, san pedro, rule, san alfonso, father Enrique of the river, frutillar, pje.pucon, pje.villa, delicious, avda.del sea, central, the cooperative, grotto, pje.el maiten, pj the nuns, pje.e.harmsen, pje.luisa molina, the pear tree, ignagio baltra, pje.dunker, caleta, Pine, avda.del sea, white water, the slopes, avda. from sea, maitencillo cove, papal creek, zapallar creek, window cove, via, sea ​​of ​​chile, via, zpc, zpn, zav, zed, zav, zrr, zpc, estero puchuncavi, zed, zav, zpr, zrr, zpc, zrr, zav, estero catapilco, zem, sea ​​of ​​chile, window, puchuncavi, horcon, zrr, zes, zeh, zpn, zed, zec, via, zec, coastal, for the church, of dawn, the aromas, tip truck, olive groves, principal, path, the boobies, the counts, the pins, consulate street, road windows, diagonal, albatross, the liecos, the pelicans, the gulls, the Penguins, the gannets, of dawn, the aromas, principal, north horcon access, I walk the clay, north, old catapilco road, old maitencillo access road, Tacna population, the chestnuts, fishermen, lagoons, zpn, maitencillo, estero, zpc, lve, via, white loma population, coast trail, path, coastal access, access, coastal access, via union of coastal access, the tebos, lve, I walk the cinnamon, estero, estero el rincon, minor channel, estero, puchuncavi, projected street, puchuncavi, path, cinnamon, old, catapylus, street laguna, path, zpc, zpc, lve, lve, lve, lve, zpc, zrr, zpc, zpn, general velasquez, zrr, zec, lve, projected street, Saint Charles, coastal access, the boldal, zrr, zav, new street, new street, San Isidro, via, down the beach, sea ​​of ​​chile, study, urban, consultants, communal regulatory plan of puchuncavi, town of maitencillo, province of valparaiso region, i. municipality of puchuncavi, municipal secretary, north, scale, prcp, flat, zed, zpc, zpn, zrr, zec, zeh, zes, zem, symbology, cur

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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