Shell Arc
1 Revit 2018 family of a decorated arc. -Component placed on walls -Possibility of assigning materials. -Fixed dimensions. -Stays in project if the file is imported in a visual rendering…
Park Seat
2 Revit 2018 furniture families of a park wood+metallic seat. 2 shapes (Y shape and a long one) -Possibility of assigning a material for the metal support and plate separately.…
Urban/Park Metallic Seat
2 Revit 2018 furniture families of an urban/park metallic seat, 1 with the back and the other without it. -Possibility of assigning a material for the metal support and plate…
Urban/Park concrete seats and table
2 Revit 2018 furniture families of an urban/park concrete seats and table, 2 configurations. -Possibility of assigning a material for the table and each seat separately. -Fixed dimensions -Stays in…
Moroccan Round Table
1 Revit 2018 furniture families of a round garden table. -Possibility of assigning a material for the table's top/surface and its legs separately. -Fixed dimensions -Stays in project if the…
Moroccan Column
1 Revit 2018 column families of a hall column. -Possibility of assigning a material for the table's top/surface and its legs separately. -Dimensions follow assigned level (see screenshot elevation view)…