Red Line Diagram Mt To Bt DWG Detail for AutoCAD

Details – specification – sizing

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

beam, drinking water admon operations, new, bpc, bb api, filling pumps house, ccm secure bar, pump unit pump, blower pumping unit, sump pump, compressor starter machines, bs foam generator pump, fqm measurement calibration, jokey bomb, cooling fan pumping unit, bao auxiliary oil pump pump unit, cooling fan pumping unit, auxiliary pump oil pump unit, perimeter security lighting, cab, dp lighting, front door wardens, dp lighting, dp lighting multiple area, dp main pumps room, dp outdoor lighting board, sink lights, water bomb, magnetic without heat, ac conditioner, reservation, dp board multibreaker goalkeeper, dp takes lighting, dp welding workshop, dp warehouse, dp board building offices, dp workshop winery, communications tower, tuss protection, sic controller c.i., sic controlled c.i., t. heating, multibreak board operations room, multibreak room, multibreak room fire room, multibreak board room foam generators, cab power supply, ac air conditioning control room ccm, ac air conditioning central operating room, ups, building, ups sdi, protection, var, meter switch, kv airline line, underground connection, charger, v. DC., distribution board, v. DC., sci, kva, protections, three-phase earth neutral bar, of measurement, automatic, of measurement, mcm, base generator set, awg, controller board, controller board, foam pump, disconnector, Switchboard, cabinet, independent ccm column, feeder valves, main valve feeder, feeder valves, pump summit control levels, power factor automatic corrector, reservation, board, board, board for fixed capacitor bank, free, starter, board, booster pump, exchanger, speed increase actuator, b. from a. f. speed variator, booster pump, exchanger, speed increase actuator, b. from a. cool speed variator, fire pump, booster pump, exchanger, speed increase actuator, b. from a. cool speed variator, awg, cells, bpc pump fresh water, bpc water pump for irrigation, ac dcl room conditioner ccm., ac dental room conditioner ccm operations, ups, awg, main engine control center, note:, lighting loads, they were in the state, provisional at the time of, do the lifting of, information., industrial services board, administrative area board, automatic, center of control of motors safe barrage, essential services board, lighting board, auxiliary services sci

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Detail
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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