Section Roof Light And Wall DWG Section for AutoCAD

Section by roof and wall – Connection roof light with beam – Detail concrete wall

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file:

use the plot-rcp layout tab to plot a reflected ceiling plan., use the work-rcp layout tab to work on ceiling objects., use the plot-sec layout tab to plot sections and elevations., use the work-flr layout tab to work on everything in the building model except ceiling objects., right, plot-sec, front, plan, work-flr, model, plot-rcp, titleblock: none plot scale: fit, work-rcp, sw isometric, work-sec, use the work-sec layout tab to work on sections and elevations., space, use the space layout tab to work on spaces and space boundaries., display configuration: work display set: work_plan zoom scale: all, perspective, to delete this layout, right click on the layout tab and click on delete., use the plot-flr layout tab to plot a floor plan., plot-flr, mass-group, architectural desktop, drawn by:, checked by:, project number:, issued:, filename:, project name, floor plans, —, .dwg, ceiling plans, room, standard, atico en concreto a la vista, ladrillo limpio colocado de canto santa fe o similar partido a la mitad, muro en ladrillo tolete fino perforado limpio a la vista tipo santa fe o similar, losa de concreto, tierra, espacio libre entre el terreno y la losa de cimentacion, losa en concreto a la vista, muro en ladrillo tolete fino perforado limpio tipo santa fe o similar

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language English
Drawing Type Section
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Concrete, Other, N/A
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features
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