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Design Of Water System DWG Block for AutoCAD

Design of the water system of the population of the province of Saposoa Dorado Huallaga district department of La Libertad

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Ucv, Cesar vallejo university, Location, students:, flat:, scale, date, drawing, sheet, may, A b c, Indicated, Locality: el dorado district: saposoa province: huallaga region: san martín, Benites arnaldo narro estefany tantarico josé torres claudio chávez eliani villanueva victoria, Project: installation of the drinking water system in the center of the dorado district saposoa province huallaga region san martín, Sanitary engineering, From ingeneria, Civil engineering, course, Ing. Elvis rodriguez flores, teacher, Location location, Location, students:, flat:, scale, date, drawing, sheet, may, A b c, Indicated, Locality: el dorado district: saposoa province: huallaga region: san martín, Benites arnaldo narro estefany tantarico josé torres claudio chávez eliani villanueva victoria, Project: installation of the drinking water system in the center of the dorado district saposoa province huallaga region san martín, Sanitary engineering, From ingeneria, Civil engineering, course, Ing. Elvis rodriguez flores, teacher, Location location, In meters, Graphic scale, Pvc, Output, Of arming, Pvc, steel, Output, Of arming, Viewnumber, Sheetnumber, Fsd fsv angle friction. Internal emp. Active ka coef. Friction off. Weight concrete wall height display capacity bearing capacity concrete, chap, chap, chap, chap, chap, rock, rock, rock, rock, rock, rock, rock, box, box, box, box, ravine, ravine, ravine, ravine, ravine, ravine, ravine, ravine, ravine, ravine, chap, chap, chap, chap, chap, chap, chap, chap, chap, rock, rock, rock, rock, rock, rock, rock, rock, rock, rock, Roc, what B, what B, what B, what B, Difference, Difference, Difference, Difference, Difference, Difference, Difference, Difference, Difference, Desni, Desni, Desni, Desni, home, home, home, home, home, home, home, ravine, ravine, ravine, ravine, ravine, ravine, ravine, ravine, ravine, ravine, ravine, ravine, ravine, ravine, ravine, ravine, box, box, box, box, home, home, home, channel, channel, channel, channel, channel, box, box, box, box, home, home, home, box, box, box, box, siege, siege, plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, Reservoir, Reservoir, Reservoir, Reservoir, Reservoir, Reservoir, Reservoir, Reservoir, Reservoir, Reservoir, siege, siege, siege, siege, plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, Camp volley, Camp volley, Camp volley, Camp volley, home, home, home, home, Pos, home, home, Pos, Murine, Murine, Murine, Murine, Murine, Murine, Murine, home, home, Pos, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Pos, home, home, home, home, home, home, Pos, home, home, home, home, Pos, home, home, Pos, home, home, home, home, home, home, home, home, home, home, Pos, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, home, home, home, Pos, home, home, Cane tie, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, channel, channel, channel, channel, channel, channel, channel, channel, channel, channel, channel, channel, Reaches, Reaches, Reaches, Reaches, Reaches, Reaches, channel, channel, channel, To sew, To sew, To sew, To sew, home, home, home, Pos, House esp, home, home, home, House esp, House esp, Cam, Cam, Cam, Cam, Cam, Cam, Cam, Cam, Cam, Cam, Cam, Cam, Cam, Cam, Cam, Cam, Cam, home, home, home, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, stadium, stadium, stadium, stadium, stadium, stadium, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Pos, Ponton made, Ponton made, Ponton made, Ponton made, Ponton made, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, River, River, home, home, home, home, home, home, home, Pos, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, home, home, home, Pos, home, home, home, home, home, home, home, home, home, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Pos, Alcantari, Alcantari, Alcantari, Alcantari, Alcantari, Alcantari, Alcantari, Alcantari, Alcantari, Alcantari, Alcantari, Alcantari, home, home, home, home, Pos, home, Local with, Pos, Local with, Pos, Pos, home, home, home, home, home, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Coliseum, Coliseum, Pos, home, home, home, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Car, Pos, home, home, home, House you, home, home, home, home, Pos, home, To sew, To sew, To sew, To sew, To sew, to

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots

File Type dwg
Materials Concrete, Steel
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features A/C, Car Parking Lot
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