Details Boxes Drains DWG Detail for AutoCAD
Construction details of boxes for drainage; used in homes in the Republic of Guatemala.
Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):
enters, comes out, Smooth of sabieta, concrete, Niv Of floor, Type drain box, enters, plant, scale, section, scale, enters, comes out, Smooth of sabieta, concrete, Niv Of floor, enters, Type drain box, plant, scale, section, scale, Smooth of sabieta, concrete, comes out, enters, Type drain box, plant, scale, section, scale, Female grid, do not. Esl. do not., storm drain, rack, Smooth of sabieta, concrete, Niv Of floor, Brick wall tayuyo de, For toilet, plant, scale, section, plant, scale, section, Female of, rack, do not., do not. Esl. do not., Niv Ext., Siphon seat with log, plant, scale, section, Tayuyo, Esl., Concrete lid with reinforcing iron, Esl., Cement coating mts, concrete base, Esl., Siphon box two curtains, plant, scale, section, comes out, Esl., enters, comes out, Tayuyo, Esl., Esl., plant, scale, section, Smooth of sabieta, Drawer siphon box, enters, comes out, Smooth of sabieta, concrete, Niv Of floor, Type drain box, enters, plant, scale, section, scale, enters, comes out, Smooth of sabieta, concrete, Niv Of floor, enters, Type drain box, plant, scale, section, scale, Smooth of sabieta, concrete, Niv Of floor, Brick wall tayuyo de, wall, For toilet, plant, scale, section, enters, Female grid, Smooth of sabieta, concrete, comes out, enters, Type drain box, plant, section, do not. Esl. do not., storm drain, rack, plant, section, Female of, rack, do not., do not. Esl. do not., Niv Ext., Siphon seat with log, plant, scale, section, Tayuyo, Esl., Concrete lid with reinforcing iron, Esl., Cement coating mts, concrete base, Esl., Siphon box two curtains, plant, scale, section, comes out, Esl., enters, comes out, Tayuyo, Esl., Esl., plant, scale, section, Smooth of sabieta, Drawer siphon box, Savieta’s cone, Tube p.v.c. minimum, Iron, gravel, Angular iron, R: cm, Note: under the layer of gravel of the bottom of the will be placed a layer of pellet with a thickness of if it is manufactured properly in place the registration should be made of concrete blocks., Grit, Registration for electrical wiring, scale, Savieta’s cone, Tube p.v.c. minimum, Iron, gravel, Angular iron, R: cm, Note: under the layer of gravel of the bottom of the will be placed a layer of pellet with a thickness of if it is manufactured properly in place the registration should be made of concrete blocks., Grit, Registration for electrical wiring, Reinforced concrete water meters, plant, scale, front elevation, scale, section, Reinforced concrete water meters, plant, scale, front elevation, scale, section, Ground boundary, Candle registration box, Street, Comes from network, Tube p.v.c, Pend. Min., Tube p.v.c, Cement elbow, concrete, Home connection, female, Wire mesh gauge, Greased union, Bleed rod, welding, Sliding fissure, Door with wire mesh, Home connection, House floor, Ground boundary, front, curb, Street, Of the house, tube, Capuchon with savieta, General collector, Home connection, Ground boundary, Candle registration box, Street, Of the house, Tube p.v.c, Pend. Min., Tube p.v.c, Cement elbow, concrete, Home connection, section, female, Wire mesh gauge, Greased union, Bleed rod, welding, Sliding fissure, Door with wire mesh, Interior level, Ground boundary, front, curb, Street, Comes from network, Tube p.v.c, Capuchon with savieta, General collector, Home connection, Interior level, enters, Of resting device p.v.c, do not. do not., Concrete, made of bronze, do not., Unifying siphon for armature, Concrete, of cement, Uniformer without registration type, plant, scale, plant, scale, section, scale, section, scale, Uniformer with registration, of cement, plant, scale, section, scale, Concrete, do not., do not. Esl. do not., Concrete, Of lavatrastos p.v.c, of cement, do not., do not. do not., Registration cover no., Sifon with log, plant, scale, section, scale, Of grid, Angular female profile:, Concrete, Siphon with grate, plant, scale, section, scale, do not., of cement, enters, see detail, Grille: angular female profile:, Angular grid base, Concrete, of cement, Unifying unit with grid type, plant, scale, section, scale, enters, Sifon for home appliance, of cement, Of resting device p.v.c, Concrete, plant, scale, section, scale, of cement, plant, scale, of cement, do not., Concrete, section, scale, Uniformer without registration, Door, Pivot, Of anchored concrete frame, Pivot, Wall fixing, Pivot, Pivot hinge, of glass, Of economic type lattice, of glass, Detail no., Details in plan, Detail no., section
Raw text data extracted from CAD file:
Language | Spanish |
Drawing Type | Detail |
Category | Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing (MEP) |
Additional Screenshots |
File Type | dwg |
Materials | Concrete, Glass |
Measurement Units | |
Footprint Area | |
Building Features | Car Parking Lot |
Tags | autocad, boxes, construction, DETAIL, details, drainage, drains, DWG, einrichtungen, facilities, gas, gesundheit, guatemala, homes, l'approvisionnement en eau, la sant, le gaz, machine room, maquinas, maschinenrauminstallations, provision, republic, wasser bestimmung, water |