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Gegran Sao Paulo Brazil DWG Block for AutoCAD

It’s a part of Sao Paulo’s map.

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Portuguese):

district, shallow water, high pine, anhanguera, aricanduva, artur alvim, deep bar, nice view, belem, good retirement, bras, brazilian, butanta, waterfowl, cambuci, beautiful field, large field, clean camp, cangaiba, round cap, carrao, green house, city ​​ademar, dutra city, leading city, city ​​tiradentes, consolation, cursino, Ermelino matarazzo, freguesia do, thank you, guayas, iguatemi, ipiranga, Itaim Bibi, itaim paulista, it was, jabaquara, jacana, jaguar, skunk, jaragua, angela garden, garden helena, Jardim Paulista, garden san luis, jose bonifacio, slab, lapa, freedom, lemon, send her, marsilac, moema, moxa, morumbi, parelheiros, pari, carmo park, quarry, cliff, partridges, turkeys, Pine trees, pirituba, shallow bridge, fox tavares, republic, small river, sack, Santa Cecilia, santana, holy amaro, Saint Domingos, are lucas, they are mateus, Sao Miguel, Sao Rafael, sapopemba, Cheers, help, tatuape, tremembe, tucuruvi, Andrade villa rental, townhouse curuca, formosa village, villa guilherme, villa jacui, villa leopoldina, maria villa, mariana villa, matilde villa, townhouse medeiros, prudent village, villa sonia, file, aguarasa, altopinh, aricandu, arturalv, barrafun, belavist, belem, to fight, bras, brazilian, butanta, waterfall, cambuci, Campobel, campogra, campolim, cangaiba, capaored, carrao, green house, city, citizen, citizen, city, consolation, cursino, Ermelino, customer, thank you, Guiana, iguatemi, ipiranga, itaimbib, itaimpau, it was, to jail, jacana, jaguar, skunk, jaragua, jdangela, jdhelena, jdpaulis, jdsluis, joseboni, slab, lapa, freedom, lemon, send her, moema, moxa, morumbi, I looked at, pari, pqcarmo, quarry, cliff, partridges, turkeys, Pine tree, pirituba, write, fox, republic, small, sack, scecilia, santana, Samaro, Sunday, sluts, smateus, smiguel, srafael, sapopemb, Cheers, help, tatuape, tremembe, tucuruvi, vandrade, voucher, Vformosa, vguilher, I live, vleopold, summer, vernal, vyle, damn, vprudent, vsonia, district, file, north, graphic scale, Holy Spirit, pc gal polidoro, av rangel pestana, av São Paulo, from paradise, sapphire, av acclimatization, rodrigo claudio, av São Paulo, deep bar, only things, araca cemetery, cardoso de almeida, Almirante Pereira Guimaraes, av dr arnaldo, consolation cemetery, pc buenos aires, pc vilaboim, pc charles miller, alagoas, av angelica, maranhao, itapolis, av higienopolis, av pacaembu, av arnolfo azevedo, arranging hairstyle, consolation, av São Paulo, august, Matias Aires, major natanael, av angelica, capivari, pacaembu viaduct, of the forest, av pacaembu, doctor veiga son, doctor candido espinheira, alameda barros, maranhao, av São Paulo, av brig luis antonio, thirteen of may, consolation, pc franklin roosevelt, high coast silva, itambe, av higienopolis, major sertorio, av ipiranga, august, pc bis, july av, august, consolation, rui barbosa, radial, of May, bitterness, prof antonio prudente, will tamara, motorcycle saucer, May twenty three of May, pio xii, flag pc, why anhangabau, pq dom pedro ii, pc’s, Av São João, wide of paicandu, São Bento, pc of the republic, Av São Luis, pc dom jose gaspar, av of may, Saint joaquim, av of freedom, radial, pc’s, tabatinguera, pc’s, av brig luis antonio, mall, princess isabel pc, av pres castle white, lusitania, sergio tomas, of the forest, father luis alves de siqueira, garibaldi, av rudge, jaragua, only

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Portuguese
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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