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Hospital DWG Plan for AutoCAD

Hospital in Bangladish 18 floors PLANS

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file:

d r i v e w a y, dirty uti., clean uti., staff rest, equiip.sto, n.o., n.s., toilet, child, play, women, clinic, floor data, lift, lobby, patients, lift lobby, fan room, store, stair, radiotherapy, ahu, patient, visitor’s lift, nurse officer, inpatient holding, recovery, brachytherapy, sub-, control room, change, treatment, sterile, preparation room, office, simulator, mould room, pantry, equipment store., clean utility, dirty utility, clear. room, outpatient, waiting, area, physic office, relative, lounge, staff, outpatient waiting, upper bunker of, relatives, doctor’s lounge, diagnostic, imaging, ct scan, toilet.f, control, isotope, preparation, gamma camera, treadmill, recovery hold, mammo-graph, x-ray ups, bone densitometry, clean, utility, consult, gen.purpose x-ray, sub- waiting, cm room, other room, mri, mri ups, console, ct scan ups, chg, toilet.m, cash, offices, emergency, main lobby, specialist, outpatient clinic, wait, nurse office, m.o., minor ot, preparation room, trolley, body store, equipment, hearse, parking, ambulance, entrance, soc, mortuary, scrub, visitor lift, dirty, reception, plaster, observation, on call, resus, administration, pharmacy, nurse station, corridor, lobby svcs, void, staff room, consultant, emg, eeg, equipment room, booth, audio-metry, plastic, surgery, ent, dental, ivf, toi.m, toi.c, treat, staff change, prep, autoclave, radiology, lab., clean uti, dirty uti, patient hold, eye, chgange, recep, procedure, ivf lab, andrology lab, sperm collect, staff chg, pat.change, equpment sto., staff rest room, upper part of landscape, sky deck, vip, n.s, single, ward, class room, nurse room, professor, assoc. prof., lecturer, dep. head, pat. lift, visitor’s, d.u, c.u., nurse r., catering, shared facilitys, engineering, equip., family waiting, holding, transfer, anaes., soil, dumbwaiter, steerile corridor, patient corridor, sluice, instrument storage, equip store, disposal, flash sterile, roof deck, labotary, kitchen, open cafeteria, open office, drug preparation, dispensing, retail, usg, radiologist, ecg, x-ray, oncology, patient lift lobby, visitor’s lift lobby, ccu, nicu, doctor on call, breast-feeding, interview, blood, freezer, glass wash, blood transfusion-m, blood transfusion-f, n.r., delivery, trolley park, prep.clean uti., baby reuses, assess, report, nursery, neuro icu, ct icu, paed icu, call on doctor, c.u, sterile hold, distribution, issuance, decom, wash, packing, sterilizers, cart, patient. lift, cssd, sicu, micu, rest staff, inter view, nurse s., department head, total, escalator, chemo suite, lab, disp, toilet-f, toilet-m, dialysis, centre, endoscopy centre, cath work, disp., pulmo-nology, wax bath, paed change, gym, gym equipment, cardiac, catherization, rehablitation, waiting lounge, endoscopy, center, adult chg, counsel, toilet.c, stor equpment, dialysis treatment, r.o. water plant, wash clean, collection room, diabetic, toi., holter, stress, echo, eec, ultra, digital x-ray, wc., mhc, echo-color dopler, uroflow metry, mammography, usg-f, usg-m, ecg-f, ecg-m, emv., semen collection, pap smear, pulmon funct lab, lithotripsy, transfusion-f, report delivery, coffee shop, gift shop, medical board room, medical library, conference room

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language English
Drawing Type Plan
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Glass, Plastic, Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park, Deck / Patio, Escalator, Parking
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