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Housing And Retail Commercial Space DWG Block for AutoCAD


Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

warehouse, polished concrete floor, shop, waiting room, office, dining room, bedroom, ss.hh, terrace gazebo, cement floor rubbed, laundry, catwalk, warehouse, kitchen, dormtrio, earthquake cases, safe area, exit, empty , rolling door, garden, garage, sidewalk, secretary, waiting room, high furniture projection, kitchenete, ceiling projection, roof, living, living, hall, bedroom, simple, second floor, third floor, first floor, floor ceiling, revised – approved :, date :, scale :, drawing :, lamina no :, specialty :, location :, owners :, project:, plane :, architecture, signature and seal prof. design, projects-constructions-services, multifamily housing, signature and seal prof. responsible: sajp, gino gregorio campaign albán, maritza elizabeth herrera, court a-a, court b-b, cuts, cuts and elevation, security, jr. jose olaya, jr. miraflores, jr. huallaga, jr. jorge chavez, jr. cuzco, jr ucayali, nas, de comay, jr victors, jr. abancay, jr. jose saavedra, jr luis flores sanches, jr. miraflores, jr. jose olaya, jr. arica, jr. holy euphoria, jr. ucayali, jr. victors of comains, owner:, professional:, plane:, location – location, design:, joy, date:, p r o v i n c i a:, d i s t r i t o::, c u a d a:, san martin, tarapoto, c u a d r o d a r e a s, c u a d o r m a t a r a r a r, r. n. c., project, areas, total, free area, land area according to writing, residential, if you consider, first floor, area of ​​the land affected by municipal and other retirement, partial, gino gregorio campaign and sra., second floor, parameters, uses, net density, coef. edific., alt. max, front min removal, parking, residential use, with respect to the front limit, ubic. of the land, via road, third floor, sapj

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Concrete, Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park, Garage, Parking
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Startland Construction

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