Knots Potable Water Network DWG Block for AutoCAD
nodes of a network with connecting water faucets.
Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):
With cap, Type cam, Pvc, Pvc, Asb. Hundred, Pvc, Pvc, of the, With cap, of the, Pvc, Pvc, Type cam, Pvc, Pvc, Type cam, of the, With cap, Pvc, of the, With cap, Type cam, Pvc, Pvc, Pvc, Asb. Hundred, Pvc., With cap, Type cam, of the, Pvc, Pvc, Pvc, Asb. Hundred, Pvc, of the, With cap, Asb. Hundred, Type cam, Pvc, Pvc, Pvc, Pvc, Type cam, of the, With cap, Pvc, Pvc, Pvc, Pvc, With cap, of the, Type cam, Asb. Hundred, Type cam, of the, Pvc, Pvc, Pvc, Asb. Hundred, Pvc, Pvc, Pvc, Pvc, Pvc, Type cam, With cap, of the, Pvc, With cap, of the, With cap, Asb. Hundred, Type cam, Pvc, Asb. Hundred, Pvc, Pvc, With cap, of the, Type cam, With cap, Type cam, Pvc, of the, Pvc, Asb. Hundred, Pvc, With cap, of the, Type cam, Pvc, Pvc, Pvc, Asb. Hundred, With cap, Type cam, of the, Asb. Hundred, Pvc, Pvc, Pvc, Asb. Hundred, Asb. Hundred, With cap, of the, Type cam, Asb. Hundred, Pvc, Asb. Hundred, With cap, of the, Type cam, Pvc, Pvc, Pvc, of the, With cap, Asb. Hundred, Type cam, Pvc, Pvc, Pvc, Pvc, Pvc, of the, With cap, Type cam, H.d., Type cam, With cap, of the, Asb. Hundred, Pvc, Asb. Hundred, H.d., Pvc, faith. Fdo., Pvc, Type cam, With cap, of the, Pvc, With cap, of the, Type cam, Pvc, H.d., Asb. Hundred, faith. Fdo, Pvc, Pvc, Pvc, Pvc, Pvc, Pvc, of the, With cap, Pvc, Type cam, Pvc, Pvc, Pvc, Pvc, Type cam, With cap, of the, Pvc, Pvc, Pvc, faith. Fdo., Pvc, faith. Fdo., Pvc, Pvc, Pvc, With cap, of the, Type cam, Pvc, Asb. Hundred, Pvc, Type cam, Pvc, of the, Pvc, Pvc, Pvc, Asb. Hundred, Type cam, Pvc, of the, Pvc, Reubicacion potable water network in avda. Manuel entre plazuela f. Vivaceta buenos aires, Knot diagram, Pvc, Pvc, Pvc
Raw text data extracted from CAD file:
Language | Spanish |
Drawing Type | Block |
Category | Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing (MEP) |
Additional Screenshots |
File Type | dwg |
Materials | |
Measurement Units | |
Footprint Area | |
Building Features | |
Tags | autocad, block, connecting, DWG, einrichtungen, facilities, faucets, gas, gesundheit, l'approvisionnement en eau, la sant, le gaz, machine room, maquinas, maschinenrauminstallations, network, nodes, potable, provision, wasser bestimmung, water |