Metal Ladder DWG Plan for AutoCAD

Exploded drawing metal ladder;plan ups of different parts.

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

axis, title, scale, run, meter, north:, kind:, Location:, flat:, owner, key:, C.i., elaborated:, D.r.o., C.d.e., C.d.a., Co-responsible, Surface relationships, modifications, date, observations, do not., firm, drawing:, date, Meters, version:, Schematic sketches, Garcia luna public safety josé patricio patiño arias of the penitentiary system gral. Eduardo enrique gomez garcía del o.a.d. Gonzalo villareal general war of centers arturo sosa general of administration of victor solis ozuna of public works material resources general services of the o.a.d.p.r., Secretary of public security o.a.d.p.r.s., scale:, Dimension:, localization map, seal:, Symbology:, plant:, graphic scale:, Vo. Bo. Federal center coordination, project management, Ssp work resident, Arq.augustin pierre francois ocampo goujon, draft:, Villa aldama, Constructions modern facilities s.a. Of c.v., Arq.sergio enrique lópez jacob, do not. flat:, Hill of the municipality of villa mexico, Arq. Jose de jesus de la torre ortega, Project superintendent, Ing.jesus mendoza alvarez, Safety segregation module, axis, N.p.t., Indicates finished floor level, N.e., Indicates structure level, N.s., Indicates upper level of skirt, N.s.l., Indicates upper level of slab, N.s.p., Indicates upper level of guard, N.l.b.v., Indicates low bed level of window, N.l.b., Indicates level low bed of skirt, N.s., Indicates level upper bed of skirt, N.s.c., Indicates upper deck level,, Indicates multitep level, C.l., Indicates line center, Indicates cuts, Indicates elevation number, Indicates cloths, Indicates axes dimensions, Indicates axis line, pending, Indicates address pending, N.c., Indicates ridge level, Indicates axis, Indicates level change in floor, Indicates cut in raised plan, Indicates downfall of rainwater, first name, Arq., number, architectural, Discipline, scale, Dimension, key, first name, architectural plant, scale, unscaled, scale, Change me, C.l.f, copper bar, north, north, mesh, mesh, Change me, Npt, Npt, Change me, Npt, Npt, run, cellar, Electric room controls, Duct, Electric room controls, Staff bathroom, conference room, Duct, office staff, Office employees, Office employees, interview, warehouse, Duct, interview, interview, interview, interview, empty, lobby, lobby, lobby, archive, lobby, cellar, cellar, cellar, cellar, bath, Duct, concierge, workroom, Director office, meter, north:, kind:, Location:, flat:, owner, key:, C.i., elaborated:, D.r.o., C.d.e., C.d.a., Co-responsible, Surface relationships, modifications, date, observations, do not., firm, drawing:, date, Meters, version:, Schematic sketches, Garcia luna public safety josé patricio patiño arias of the penitentiary system gral. Eduardo enrique gomez garcía del o.a.d. Gonzalo villareal general war of centers arturo sosa general of administration of victor solis ozuna of public works material resources general services of the o.a.d.p.r., Secretary of public security o.a.d.p.r.s., scale:, Dimension:, localization map, seal:, Symbology:, plant:, graphic scale:, Vo. Bo. Federal center coordination, draft:, Villa aldama, Constructions modern facilities s.a. Of c.v., do not. flat:, Hill of the municipality of villa mexico, Arq. Jose de jesus de la torre ortega, Safety segregation module, N.p.t., Indicates finished floor level, N.s.p., Indicates upper level of guard, Indicates cuts, Indicates elevation facade, Indicates cloths, Indicates axes dimensions, Indicates axis line, pending, Indicates address pending, Indicates axis, Indicates level change in floor, Indicates cut in raised plan, Indicates downfall of rainwater, Indicates cut by facade, N.c.m., Indicates level crowning of wall, N.m., Indicates low wall level, N.s.c., Indicates upper deck level, Niv, Indicates general level, B.a., Indicates downfall of rainwater, N.i.c., Indicates lower deck level, N.s.l., Indicates upper level of slab, Superintendent of project management, Ssp project resident, Arq.marco antonio hernandez mirror, Arq.sergio enrique lópez jacob, Project superintendent, Ing.jesus mendoza alvarez, Change me, north, mesh, mesh, axis, location, Supply placement of red ptr on stair rest, Ptr red, Secretary of public security administrative organ deconcentration prevention social readaptation, localization map, date of elaboration, work, do not. Of contract, Integral project for the rehabilitation adaptation of the federal center of social rehabilitation of villa veracruz, contractor, R.f.c .:, Beginning: from June ending: from November, Estimation data, Estimation no., of the:, to the:, Cimsa buildings modern facilities s.a. Of c.v., agreement:, of the:, to

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

axis, title, scale, run, meter, north:, kind:, Location:, flat:, owner, key:, c.i., elaborated:, d.r.o., c.d.e., c.d.a., co-responsible, surface relationships, modifications, date, observations, do not., firm, drawing:, date, Meters, version:, schematic sketches, garcia luna public safety josé patricio patiño arias of the penitentiary system gral. eduardo enrique gomez garcía del o.a.d. gonzalo villareal general war of centers arturo sosa general of administration of the victor solis ozuna of public works material resources general services of the o.a.d.p.r.s., secretary of public security o.a.d.p.r.s., scale:, dimension:, localization map, seal:, symbology:, plant:, graphic scale:, Vo. Bo. coordinating federal centers, project management, ssp work resident, arq.augustin pierre francois ocampo goujon, draft:, villa aldama, constructions modern facilities s.a. Of c.v., arq.sergio enrique lópez jacob, do not. flat:, hill of the municipality of villa mexico, Arq. jose de jesus de la torre ortega, project superintendent, Ing.jesus mendoza alvarez, safety segregation module, axis, N.p.t., indicates finished floor level, N.e., indicates structure level, n.s., indicates upper level of skirt, n.s.l., indicates upper level of slab, n.s.p., indicates upper level of guard, n.l.b.v., indicates low bed level of window, n.l.b., indicates level low bed of skirt, n.s., indicates level upper bed of skirt, n.s.c., indicates upper deck level,, indicates multi-tone level, c.l., indicates line center, indicates cuts, indicates elevation number, indicates cloths, indicates axes dimensions, indicates axis line, pending, indicates address pending, n.c., indicates ridge level, indicates axis, indicates level change in floor, indicates cut in raised plan, indicates downpour of rainwater, first name, Arq., number, architectural, discipline, scale, Dimension, key, first name, architectural plant, scale, unscaled, scale, Change me, c.l.f, copper bar, north, north, mesh, mesh, Change me, Npt, Npt, Change me, Npt, Npt, run, cellar, electric room controls, Duct, electric room controls, staff bathroom, conference room, Duct, office staff, office employees, office employees, interview, warehouse, Duct, interview, interview, interview, interview, empty, lobby, lobby, lobby, archive, lobby, cellar, cellar, cellar, cellar, bath, Duct, concierge, workroom, director office, meter, north:, kind:, Location:, flat:, owner, key:, c.i., elaborated:, d.r.o., c.d.e., c.d.a., co-responsible, surface relationships, modifications, date, observations, do not., firm, drawing:, date, Meters, version:, schematic sketches, garcia luna public safety josé patricio patiño arias of the penitentiary system gral. eduardo enrique gomez garcía del o.a.d. gonzalo villareal general war of centers arturo sosa general of administration of the victor solis ozuna of public works material resources general services of the o.a.d.p.r.s., secretary of public security o.a.d.p.r.s., scale:, dimension:, location sketch

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Plan
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Deck / Patio, Car Parking Lot
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CAD Drawings

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