Plano Lots And Roads DWG Section for AutoCAD

Streets; lots; section vias

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

guardian, warehouse, n. m., p. of arq enrique guerrero hernández., p. of arq Adriana. rosemary arguelles., p. of arq francisco espitia ramos., p. of arq hugo suárez ramírez., jr. san sebastian, jr. tupac amaru, jr. san gilberto, jr. strong width, pje. the future, whereabouts, viewpoint, traffic signal, mailbox, post, murito de cº, passage, empty plot, gate, mast, column of cº, light meter, jr. guayabal, hillside, ditch, road, avenue, ricardo, flowers, gutierrez, treatment plant, school, stadium, empty lot, vehicular income, garden, earth channel, coated channel, passes channel closed, metal grid, pass channel closed, crosses closed channel, crosses covered channel, concrete, private income, passes earth channel, comes earth channel, crosses earth channel, jr.garcilazo de la vega, jr. santa rosa, jiron huallaga, jr. Lima, jr. the ditch, jr. progress, jr. the perricholi, construction site of the physical polygon, side, distance, course, azimuth, vert.,, adjoining, carport to central, post, bleachers, house, access road, canal, suspension bridge, river huallaga, virgin, jr. huallayco, clear sign, roundabout, signage, wall, broken toyocoto, homes, toyocoto, goes to tomaykichua, hacienda, jardinera, whereabouts, sidewalk, cooperative of quicacan, tomaykichua, wall, murete, tree type, cross, bridge pre existing, parking, pool, jr. Lima, atrium of the municipality, church, existing vehicular bridge, projected bridge, projected pedestrian bridge, technical specifications, contraction joints are transverse to the direction of traffic and may be sawed or formed. The forming will be done by a metal strip that will be removed when the forge of the concrete is produced. The transverse construction joints can be formed trapezoidally or with a half circle according to the dimensions indicated in the plan, which should preferably be coincided with the joints of contraction immediately before or after, the forms of the transverse joints of construction will be together at the top, to alleviate the direct traction efforts, the type of directed crack joint will be designed, the contraction joints are transversal to the direction of the transit and in dimensions as they indicate in the planes, to alleviate the direct efforts the type is used the contraction joints are transverse to the direction of the traffic and will be of sawn type. Sawing will be done by sawing hardened concrete with saw and before cracking begins. the proper moment for the cut should be made when the slab is in compression, that is, when the temperature rises during the day, details, typical sections of the pavement, typical sections for storm drainage, the forms of the transverse joints of construction will be joints to the top in dimensions as indicated in the drawings, to relieve the direct stresses of traction, the type of directed crack joint is designed, the contraction joints are transverse to the direction of traffic and will be of sawed type. Sawing will be done by sawing hardened concrete with saw and before cracking begins. the right moment for the cut must be made when the slab is in compression, that is, when the temperature rises during the day, rigid pavement, sidewalk, ditches, project, construction of tracks and paths, formula :, specialty :, plane: , detail of board, consultant :, ambo, responsible professional :, scale :, indicated, date :, province :, tomayquichua, district :, huanuco, department :, location :, rigid pavement joint, pavement sections – sidewalks, variable , varible, sections – access road, central garden, expansion joints in mailbox, rigid pavement joint, sections of pavement – sidewalks, rigid pavement joint, sheet, location :, tomay kichwa, region :, street :, esc. :, project:, topographic, district of Tomay Kichwa, creation of tracks and sidewalks, urban and landscape treatment of the urban area of ​​Tomay Kichwa, sections of the pavement – sidewalks, covered channel, existing sidewalk, av. ricardo flores gutierrez, garden, sidewalk, perimeter fence, concrete slab, granular sub base, subgrade, without seal, seal with asphalt emulsion, teknopor, longitudinal joint, transverse joint, cuts, detail of sections, existing channel line that will be deviated, garden, drainage channel, property limit, cut, projected path, rainwater arrives at an irrigation canal that flows into the river, emboquillado floor, long. variable, detail of sardinel, fountain, monument of, santa rosa, legend, description, transverse joints of sawn shrinkage, longitudinal joints, expansion joints, sidewalk to build, stamped path to build, expansion joints, jr. huallaga, pavement, ramp, jr. prolog. santa rosa, prolog. garcilazo de la vega, jr. Garcilazo de la Vega

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Section
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Concrete, Plastic, Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features A/C, Pool, Garden / Park, Parking
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