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Stroke And Lotizacion NepeÑA DWG Block for AutoCAD

Stroke and Lotizacion Nepeña – Layout and Lotificacion

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

other purposes, AC. san pedro, sports area, passage, passage, zone, archaeological, psje. sihuas, passage, sector iv, passage, Street, passage, Street, av. progress, passage, AC. emancipation, AC. tacna, AC. piura, AC. ancash, passage, AC. san pedro, AC. the laurels, passage, sector, psje. the Basilica, AC. the carnations, AC. the jasmine, AC. the sunflowers, AC. the geraniums, psje. the roses, AC. Rome, AC. tupac amaru, AC. Union, psje. olaya, AC. I knew, AC. huaylas, AC. progress, rustic property, San Jacinto, cemetery, a.h. high solidex, responsible technician, ing. juan guerrero bailon, cofopri chimbote, roberto cuadra arcaya, approval, supervision, Area Manager, location map, scale, Moorish road, Pan American Highway, San Jacinto, rustic property, San Jacinto, rustic property, San Jacinto, populated center, polygonal chinecones, San Cristobal, Hill, broken solivin, San Jacinto, legal:, ancash, layout lotization, produced by:, topography, flat, nepenthe, santa, building code, date, scale, province, district, ubigeo, of sheet, plan, cofopri, commission of formalization of informal property, populated center, technical:, Department, San Jacinto, summary table of apples by sectors, sector, apples, total, lots, sector, total, area, lots, Apple, sector iv, total, area, lots, Apple, sector iii, total, area, lot, Apple, sector ii, total, area, lot, Apple, sector, total, area, lot, Apple, summary table of areas per apples, AC. San Martin, total, lots, lot, lots, Apple, area, lot, total, Apple, lot, lots, total, Apple, area, area, AC. miraflores, av. iquitos, San Jacinto, rustic property, reserved area, electrification services, communal services, education, complementary public services, Park, public recreation, area of ​​urban equipment, area of ​​commerce, living area, useful area, total, use, general distribution table of areas, production area, Health services, water treatment services, archaeological area, partial, area, area, area, green area, sports area, other purposes, total area, area of ​​circulation, AC. miraflores, AC. pisco, AC. renewal, AC. ancash, AC. the proceres, AC. junin, AC. monsenor bambaren, Moorish road, AC. the palms, AC. the poppies, AC. the orchids, AC. the violets, sector, passage., passage, modification

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Deck / Patio, Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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CAD Drawings

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