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Terrestrial Terminal DWG Elevation for AutoCAD

Terrestrial terminal first plant – Elevations

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Catalan):

av. Tomas Alva Edison, Av. central highway, urb., santa rosa, av. nicolas ayllon, av. b. franklin, aurora, ca. santa ines, ca. gutembere, ca. mary curie, av. alexander flemin, ca. luis galvani, ca. pasteur, ca. rober fulton, av. avoidance road, av. Miguel Grau, jr. luis galvani, park, secretary, archives, secret-arch., secret-file, administrative services, s.s.h.h, ladies, men, depo., hall, reports, depart. admnistrativo, of. relac-com., floor tiles, carpeted floor, of. conc-companies, of. of staff, waiting room, of. accounting, of. head depart., entrance hall, entrance, module, landing of, luggage, attention, sshh ladies, sshh men, warehouse, telephone area, reports, control, area of ​​attention, escape exit, landing area, boarding area, restaurant, lockers area, ATMs, national platoon, topical, first aid, landing passengers, cargo, boarding passengers, professional, owner, project, plan, date, scale, stamp and signature, regulatory framework, parameters, , areas, partial, total, location plane, location scheme, urban structuring area: zoning: district, district, urbanization, apple, lot, sub-lot, street, inscription, department, exit channel, date: , student: castro pineda, karina del pilar, arq. cesar diaz arq. jorge reynoso, professor: architecture faculty, lamina nº :, scale:, unife, cafeteria, courtyard, exit, and mail, encomiendas, location plot, design workshop x, preliminary draft:, land terminal in the east zone of lima, location, specialization :, av. nicolas ayllon and av. avoidance, general plane, zoning:, av., central highway, arq.manuel yafac, factory declare, lima, chorrillos, walnuts, sr. augusto luis lama reyes y, sra. edith lilia perez park, wing, total area roofed, area land, free area, gross density, construction coefficient, minimum free area, allowed use, net density, area normative lot, parking lots, double-decker, to declare, av. the castles, ps. santa rosa, av. industrial separator, av. real road, ca. san francisco, ps. the poppies, ps. the violets, ps. the carnations, ps. the jasminez, rio surco, san francisco, medina shrine, monterrico park, the bridge, miguel grau, los alamos, urb. the Quechuas, ps. montreal, ca. the bells, av. santa lucia, coop. live pip, assoc. municipality door, ps. Pedro de Candia, ps. which quis, av. the Quechuas, ca. the laurels, ps. melgar, ps. tarma, ca. chinchaysuyo, ca. contisuyo, ca. antisuyo, ca. huanacahure, ca. collasuyo, av. santa cecilia, av. santa ana, ps. the cherries, ps. the olives, ca. virgin from the door, ps. santa ana, ps. the laurels, ca. el carmen, ca. sullana, ca. large tambo, ca. places, ca. ucayali river, ca. colan, ca. yacila, ca. amotape, ca. ayabaca, ca. La Paz, jr. assumption, jr. Panama, ca. espana, ca. buenos aires, ca. montevideo, jr. mexico, ps the savior, ps. san francisco, ps. los angeles, ca. hera ca. zeus, ca. pluto, av. euterpe, ca. Mars, ca. artemis, ca. cupid, ca. ares, ca. subjects, ca. eolo, ca. look, ca. volcano, ca. apolo, ca. atenea, ca. waxs, ca. clio, av. santa rosa, ps. pto. Prince, ca. san miguel, av. terpsicore, olimpo, los ayllu, ca. the jasmines, ca. the alleles, ca. sunflowers, ps. I quit, ps. Managua, jr. brasilia, ps. enrique palacios, ps. francisco aguilar, ps. lisardo, ps. izaguirre, ps. lizard, ps. manuel villar, ps. juan sifuentes, jr. bacilli rocabado, ps. nicolas duas, ps j. sifuentes, ps. felipe rosales, ps. miguel valcarcel, ps. miguel varcalcel, ca. Jose Ugartechi, ca. the hephests, ca. Poseidon, ca. saturday, ca. erato ca. iris, ca. the poppies, ca. chromos, ca. caliope, jr. cupid, ca. juno, av. hermes, avoidance way, av. b franklin, antisuyo, sedapal, av. san jose, av. the mochicas, av. the aymaras, jr. diego fernandez, ps. bartolome of the houses, ca. the quipus, ps. keros, ca. the yungas, ca. chakiras, ps. boy, jr. agustin de zarate, ps. Pedro Pizarro, ps. balboa miguel, ca. caut of pachactec, ps. lopez de gamarra, ca. cieza de leon, ps. atahuallpa, ps. cahuide, jr. the jasmine, av. sicaya, ca. the tulips, ca. forest garden, jr. the trees, ca. roses, ps. the calera, av. industrial, ca. santa isabel, ca. santa sofia, ca. santa teresa, ca. santa mercedes, ca. rio chira, ca. huayaga river, ca. santa river, ca. bayobar ca. rio amazonas, av. the towers, ps. chancas, ps. the quenas, ps. sarmiento, ps. hernandez, av. the forest, urb. aurora, cajamarca, ps. cuzco, av. santa maria, av. the willows, av. granddaughter’s marital extension, willows, orchards of santa lucia, ca. the talabarteros, av. the fruit trees, ca. the silversmiths, ca. upholsterers, av. Boulevar, artisans, light industry, result of the project, land terminal, living room, drivers, ss.hh, office, expendio, serv. tires, tank, lubricants, dep., criticisms

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Other
Drawing Type Elevation
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park, Deck / Patio, Parking
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