Tucuman City – Planes – Arg 3D DWG Model for AutoCAD

Plane San Miguel de Tucuman City.-With zones , important buildings ,Street’s names ,main roads – in 3D

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Big bell, school, of the, graphic scale, Private public, Redisen of the network of establishments, Design alternatives, workshop, Combes, date, first name:, graphic scale, sheet, Rondeau, Gral. S. bolivar, Gral. J. Lavalle, Gral. to. From lamadrid, Gral. J. M. peace, the stones, San Lorenzo, C. Alvarez, Of September, San Martin, Mendoza, Cordova, San Juan, Santiago, Currents, Peace marks, Santa Fe, av. Sarmiento, Suipacha, saint Louis, M. Avellaneda, Bernabe araoz, Catamarca, the Rioja, Jumps, Jujuy, Bat Junin, I love you, av. Miter, av. German, Bat Maipu, Chacabuco, dolls, Buenos Aires, of May, of July, N. Laprida, congress, Rivadavia, The heroes, Big bell, Between rivers, S. Balcarce, Brown, av. Saenz pena, av. Avellaneda, J. Colombian, J. B. Alberdi, av. Sarmiento, Santa Fe, Peace marks, Currents, Santiago, San Juan, Cordova, Mendoza, San Martin, Of September, C. Alvarez, San Lorenzo, the stones, Gral. J. M. peace, Gral. to. From lamadrid, Gral. J. Lavalle, Gral. S. bolivar, Rondeau, J. B. Alberdi, Between rivers, The heroes, congress, of July, Buenos Aires, Chacabuco, I love you, Jujuy, the Rioja, Bernabe araoz, Brown, av. Saenz pena, av. German, saint Louis, Big bell, Rivadavia, N. Laprida, of May, dolls, Bat Maipu, Bat Junin, av. Jumps, Catamarca, M. Avellaneda, av. Avellaneda, S. Balcarce, Suipacha, av. Miter, av. Sarmiento, Santa Fe, Peace marks, Currents, Santiago, San Juan, Cordova, Mendoza, San Martin, Of September, C. Alvarez, San Lorenzo, the stones, Gral. J. M. peace, Gral. to. From lamadrid, Gral. J. Lavalle, Rondeau, Gral. S. bolivar, Gral. J. Lavalle, Gral. to. From lamadrid, Gral. J. M. peace, the stones, San Lorenzo, C. Alvarez, San Martin, Mendoza, San Juan, Santiago, Currents, Peace marks, Santa Fe, Don bosco, Pje J. Mill, av. Mate of moon, Don bosco, av. Belgrano, av. Gdor of the field, Lopez plans, Raul colombres, Alvarez condarco, Pje of May, oath, Spain, Italy, Uruguay, Chile, Bolivia, Pje Would zuria, Pje Garcia, Pje Bordaberhe, U.S, Honduras, Haiti, Guatemala, Cuba, to. Jacques, Pje Rio de Janeiro, France, av. Benjamin araoz, Ponds, Santa Cruz, Diego Garcia, Jose engineers, F. Ameghino, G. Rawson, J. Prebisch, Pje Newbery, Pje T. Padilla, Black river, Pje R. Coch, Priest monti, av. P. M. Araoz, L. Dragon, Diagonal red anthill, Pje Neuquen, Alsina, Pje missions, Land of Fire, Pje Will see, Pje Diaz velez, Pje Sgto. Gomez, J. Prebisch, L. Dragon, av. P. M. Araoz, O.s.n., Pje, M.t. To blow, Ponds, Sta. cross, Pje Cacique atahualpa, Diego Garcia, Pje and. Carriego, Jose engineers, Pje Ob. Trejo Sanabria, av. I. I lay down, Pcia. From beautiful, Rep. Syria, av. Silvano bores, R. From san martin, av. Of the plants, av. Stupid bitch, Pje Serol, Pje Of the race, av. Of immigrants, av. Cnel. Suarez, av. J. B. fair, Gob. Gutierrez, B. Villafane, Luis f. Nougues, J. J. Possession, J. De La Vega, Villarroel, chap. Rooms valdez, Jose hernandez, Stanislao of the field, R. obliged, R. Guiraldes, Martin fierro, Pje Oncative, Pje Gardel, av. Cnel suarez, Pje Guayaquil, Pje Ob. Piedrabuena, Pje Pizarro, Pje Tacuari drum, Pje Cerrito, Pje posadas, of November, Pje Padilla, Pje Bertres, av. of April, Pje V. Sarfield, Pje Dorrego, Pje Saenz, Pje Grimaux Galvez, Pje Pasteur, Marina alfaro, Pje B. Lopez, Lope de Vega, Pje meeting, Pje Santillan, Pinedo stream, October, Pje m. Helper, assumption, Lucas cordoba, Step of the andes, Alberti, Pje F. Cold, Pje ruben dario, J. Thames, Amateur lucero, Matienzo, Pellegrini, Pje Garibaldi, Cold silva, Pje P. Groussac, freedom, Pje cervantes, Prosperous ore, Pje centenary, Miguel Lillo, Pje poland, Chiclana, av. colon, B. Aguirre, M. M. Guemes, Pueyrredon, Pje Barrialito, Pje Sarratea, Castelli, Saaavedra, M. Cane, av. Northern army, J. J. He passed, Pje Rome, Pje Greece, Pje Burmeister, Pje Uriarte, Pje from the valley, Gurruchaga, Pje Millan, October, Lucas cordoba, assumption, San Miguel, Step of the andes, Pje Gaboto, Pje It’s so cool, Pje keys of laguna, Pje P. From melo, Pje G. Alfaro, Pje J. to. Of sand, M. Alberti, Thames, J. J. He passed, Pje Cnel. street band, Pje Larreta, av. Northern army, Saavedra, Castelli, Spain, Italy, Uruguay, Chile, L. M. Gutierrez, Pje and. From luca, Pje Rizzoto, Pje Of the races, Ambrosio nougues, Miguel Lillo, Pje B. From o’higgins, Prosperous ore, freedom, Cold silva, M. Rodriguez, Baltasar aguirre, M. M. From guemes, Pueyrredon, av. colon, Pje Boedo, Pje to. Garcia, Pje G. to. Becquer, Pje and. Lopez, Pje J. J. From vera aragon, Pje Canada, Pje Fray m. Perez, Bco. province, From tucuman, National route no., San pedro de, National route no., river, Sgo of the, freeway, Tafi, National route no., Tafi, path, villa, saint, school, national, Plaza urquiza, Plaza alberdi, F.c., Bartolome miter, law School, Spanish society, Mail tecomunic., Cultural center u.n.t., Flavio e. Virla, Convent church, from

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Language Spanish
Drawing Type Model
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File Type dwg
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Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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