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Unifilar DWG Block for AutoCAD

Unifilar scheme of gas station with all complements

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

general electrical panel, variable flow, pump g.a., buried, bomb, bomb, bomb, compressor, lighting, Exterior, lighting, emergencies, camp. ext., bar, t.current, backbar, t.current, bar, t.current, o.u. store, door, automatic, t.current, exhibitors, fridges, unites, t.current, box, store, buried, wiring diagram, of existing service station., electrical installation project in b.t., flat number:, affair:, flat:, unites, lighting, lampposts, lighting, lampposts, lighting, monolith, lighting, buried, lighting, lighting, lighting, store, personal cleanliness, warehouse, lighting, lighting, store, emergencies, unites, store, Public cleanings, room machines, warehouse, lighting, reservation, lighting, image, air conditioning, split, air conditioning, fryer, unites, coffee maker, v.v., pump g.a., buried, buried, buried, buried, head, head, head, head, buried, buried, buried, buried, buried, buried, buried, buried, buried, buried, unites, unites, unites, toilets, unites, unites, unites, unites, store, air conditioning, unites, oven, unites, unites, unites, unites, unites

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features
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