Urban Market DWG Full Project for AutoCAD

Project planimetry consisting of general plant, 1 cut, 2 lifts; plane location, urban sprawl; site plan. It is a project for a public market.

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

urbanization, street xxx, a.v., avenue xi, avenue xxv, av. tomas barron, secc. police, humberto palza, ex-red pottery, av. heroes del chaco, street ie-o, street calatayud, vehicular income of supply, entry of vendors, yard maneuvers, administration, nursery, police check, first aid, doorkeeper, kitchen, living room, dining room, bedroom, bathroom, hall, administration office, girls bathroom, games room, meeting room, waiting room, women’s cell, police station, male cell, bathroom prisoners, information, secretary, room for blinds, check infants, children’s bathroom, table directive, toil, walk, main public income, food income control, ladies public bath, male public bathroom, cleaning deposit, sale of meat, sale of bread, popular dining, grocery sales, fruit sales, sale of vegetables and tubers, part store, fridge, deposit, sale of footwear, clothing sales, ladies bathroom, sale of crafts, sale of others, men bathroom, avenue, toilette, entrance hall, sales area, administrative staff income, ing supply, bathroom vender, bathroom vendor, merchandise deposit, garbage containers, llama meat, beef, fish meat, juice sector, food, momentary parking, locker rooms, laboratory, income of products, pork, lamb meat, poultry meat, deposits, control food intake, breakfast, fruit, vegetables, tubers, dairy, cereals, preserves, cold

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Full Project
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park, Deck / Patio, Parking
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CAD Projects

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