Urban Plan Of The City Of Eldorado DWG Plan for AutoCAD

Names of streets and blocks divisions and measures of city lots Eldorado Misiones Province of Argentina

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

apple, mz., avenue of the founder, avenue of the founder, avenue córdoba, Street, eldorado municipality, secretary of public works, director of public services, missions province, flat, work:, flat:, plant, Location, Projects:, work direction, date:, drawing:, noelia andrejovicz, July, scale:, Review:, date:, street coembota, cobblestone, eldorado municipality, secretary of public works, director of public services, missions province, flat, work:, flat:, location map, Location, Projects:, work direction, date:, drawing:, noelia andrejovicz, July, scale:, Review:, date:, street coembota, cobblestone, Juan Antonio, Street, av. of July, hummock, cove, the silver, pillar, av. of July, passage, p. olive, little turtles, quilmes, sarandi, wilde, brush, Street, avda san martin, rafael portillo, to. lehmman, gale linen, german wachvitz, victor veron, Street, gale linen, rodolfo degener, av. of July, Street, bolivia, Bordeaux, glen, ramirez jump, Haiti, Street, Panama, stone, ramirez, azurbuy, water and, cancharana, chacabuco, av. the cedars, cochabamba, lime, machagay, tuff, mataco, valdivia, sandino, dr. priet, tarrago ross, iguazu, cervantes, edison, franklin, sgra of guimaraes, juan b. fair, rodolfo runque, rio pilcomayo, itaembe, Gualeguay, Gualeyan, Chimiray, sarmiento, Uruguay, candelaria, port leoni, October, Tucuman, currents, victory, catamarca, captain nahuer, missions, Magellan, France, iturbe, fulgencio yegros, of June, san vicente, Eva Peron, pioneer riedler, Peru, quiroga, to. you change, belgrano, triumvirate, Chile, Uruguay, Hernandez, Manuel Robledo, marcovich, to. isidro, taruma, Elena, third river, Poland, piray guazu, blackberry, andrujovich, September, Tacuaruru, tacuapi, yacht, chashi, palmetto, black maria, guayubira, provincial route, samou, Street, saavedra lamas, Street, avda. paraguay, Street, av. founder a. j. schwelm, ex national route, San Lorenzo, national route, jump three musketeers, s.union, santa maria jump, s. F. peixoto, bust, grapy, pueyrredon, Switzerland, peace, Switzerland, Brazil, lime, assumption, Montevideo, of September, hypolito irigoyen, avda. founder, the pines, the ferns, Santa Fe, September, guatambu, Amambay, guayaybi, avda. San Martin, av. Juan Domingo Peron, ana maria mogas, marmelero, alecrin, orchard surveyor, Santo Domingo, avda hipolito irigoyen, incense, pink stick, paradise, guaica, lapacho, thymus, alecrin, tail, passage, assumption, Street, Ukraine, mbya, Vicente Lopez, canes, comechingones, F. quiroga, the higgings, sandy, I quit, gral. necochea, avda cordoba, Sucre, lowe, bolivar, to. jonte, bald, Switzerland, v. lopez plans, p. ziegler, of the teacher, argerich, the heroes, Bogota, tabay, Caracas, I know, itacuruzu, necochea, luis kornel, climbing, Bustamante, Norway, Denmark, Finland, irigoyen, azalea, Denmark, pioneer engwald, Felipe Varela, paraguay, Talcahuano, America, congress, whose, campichuelo, liniers, thrush, medanos, paisandu, grenadiers, freedom, wedge piru, pioneer lutz, pioneer hadinger, pretty bar, aº pindapoy, Martin Luther, oasis, dr. doglio, sarmiento, uruguay, even, traful, alumine, riedl, pindapoy stream, a brunette, big jump, parana, ibera, little sea, araza river, Hungary, shugo hugo, Poland, the Rioja, concord, I know, gladioli, violets, of June

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Language Spanish
Drawing Type Plan
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File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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