Water Networks Rainy 3D DWG Detail for AutoCAD

Plano stormwater network of 5 storey building in 3D detail sinks; inspection boxes and downspouts

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Box, base, C.i, C.i, C.i., C.i, C.i, C.i, Rethink, You have to change, Down the channel., A.ll. For the washing of, Storage tank, floors, Check out sotea, check, Sinks, Roadway sump, Sink of, road, Sink of, road, Blah, pipeline, Overflow, A.ll prefabricated, Storage tank, Echapadoa for washing, Kitchen floors., Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball, Blah, Ball, Ball

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Detail
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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