Wood Truss DWG Detail for AutoCAD

Detail of roof covered with wooden trusses

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

in meters, graphic scale, magnetic, metal channel projection, metal channel rainwater, kwh, district municipality of inca baths, construction of the multipurpose communal place of the village shitaloma shrine of the inca baths, shitaloma baths inca cajamarca cajamarca, draft, sheet, produced by, ksrch, scale, indicated, August, reviewed by, date, place district province department, structures, ravine, the Inca baths, llacanora, dates, cajamarca, beautiful view, I fight, paccha, tual, blueprint, the miracle, huambocancha, llushcapampa, carhuaquero, huichupucro, corral pampa, sangal, huaytorco, chin Chin, white cerrito, miraflores, shultin, Saint Barbara, Venice, moyopata, broom, puyllucana, chaqui chaquil, Santa Úrsula, sarin, rimicucho, shaullo boy, shaullo garnde, tauripampa, big paccha, chucapampa, mollepampa, san lusi de polloquito, paramaribo, tartar boy, jail rosary sign, luichucro, chuchum, q. chuquicocha, rio azurro, co. from the cross, q. of succha, co. Saccha Rangra, Rio Grande, quilish river, river shultin, river porcon, rio mashcón, I’m dating you., sulfur river, lag. yanacocha, co. masma, co. rongra, q. quishuar corral, q. quintessential, q. box, q. vizcachayoc, co. rosemary, q. boundaries, q. horse field, co. chaufiorco, co. Tajik, co. mojarrón, co. the jet, with the band, q. from chaqui, co. chicken, q. huacomayo, co. collorco, co. huacataz, quinuaria river, lag. inga corral, co. Saint Joseph, q. half orange, co. sand, q. saulullo, q. your yard, paccha river, rio san josé, q. sangal, river porcon, shultin, I am under, huacariz, province of cajamarca, ravine, the Inca baths, llacanora, dates, will kill, San Juan, assumption, magdalena, cosp, Jesus, cajamarca, chetilla, prov. Saint Paul, prov. celender, prov. san marco, prov. contumately, prov. Cajabamba, prov. great chimu, prov. hualgayoc, cajamarca, lambayeque, Amazon, freedom, piura, Ecuador, department of cajamarca, district of the inca baths, legend, provincial capital, district capital, populated center, provincial boundary, district boundary, carriageway, horseshoe path, ravine, affirmed road, multipurpose communal house, high, project area, rio chonta, capuli, chaquilapampa, miraflores plan, chupicaloma, quinceanera, chupicaloma, district municipality of the inca baths, sheet no, flat, region, province:, district:, cajamarca, Inca baths, designer:, cad:, sectors, scale:, date:, hamlet, draft:, construction of the multipurpose room in the village luichupucro district of the baths, luichupucro low, July, Location, luichupucro low, structures, indicated, system:, flat:, ing. formulator:, Location:, date:, scale:, drawing:, Mountain range, flat, draft:, November of, concrete shelving, done on site, living room, see detail, of each cm, with perforations, pvc spray pipe, det., with similar sika, with waterproofing, concrete cycle, det., bronze, grille, non-slip floor, det., scale, cut, clamp, ear, majolica, anti-glare screw, of aluminum, tube sprayer of p.v.c., with perforations of, each, majolica, scale, sprinkler pipe installation, multipurpose communal site, area of ​​the pro

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Detail
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Aluminum, Concrete, Plastic, Wood
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features
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