Apartment Buildings Ganboa DWG Block for AutoCAD




Building Departments Ganboa

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

bedroom, to be, dinning room, kitchen, bath, terrace, sewing box, solarium, study, terrace, pina., calamine roof, pina., kitchen, to be, dinning room, bedroom, laundry, bath, Deposit, store, circulation, garage, Deposit, bath, neighbour, Deposit, c. prolonged menendez pelayo, main line, axis of way, alley without name, neighbour, c. prolonged menendez pelayo, main line, yard, second floor, foundations, low level, first floor, site roofs esc., main line, axis of way, c. prolonged menendez pelayo, sheet of, architect, owner, esc, Owner: gamboa huaylluco sra. jinchupalla street: prolongation menendez pelayo sup.de lot: sup.construida cadastral code: date: February, kind, legalization, plane of:, durasnillo, menendez pelayo, neighbour, axis of way, alley, axis of way, main line, interior elevation, lateral elevation, cut, cut, garage, bath, Deposit, kitchen, laundry, dinning room, to be, garage, to be, front elevation, rme, low level, second floor, total area, first floor, ratio of areas, cantilevers, smel, kind, Owner: gamboa huaylluco sra. jinchupalla street: prolongation menendez pelayo sup.de lot: sup.construida cadastral code: date: February, esc, sheet of, by const., optional, menendez pelayo, durasnillo, plane of:, legalization, owner, architect, amf, His p. cadastre, assigned use, aml, rule, fml, His p. testimony, references, solarium, Deposit, application, times, uspa pattern, application, ground, draft, laundry, kitchen, to be, dinning room, bedroom, laundry, bath, Deposit, store, circulation, garage, Deposit, bath, neighbour, Deposit, c. prolonged menendez pelayo, main line, axis of way, alley without name, low level, first floor, neighbour, axis of way, kitchen, to be, dinning room, bedroom, bath, to be, dinning room, bedroom, bath, kitchen, bath, kitchen, bath, kitchen, yard, bath, kitchen, to be, dinning room, bedroom, bath, bedroom, neighbour, c. prolonged menendez pelayo, main line, foundations, lateral elevation, cut, dinning room, to be, garage, to be, solarium, Deposit, sewing box, solarium, study, kitchen, to be, dinning room, bedroom, sheet of, architect, owner, esc, Owner: gamboa huaylluco sra. jinchupalla street: prolongation menendez pelayo sup.de lot: sup.construida cadastral code: date: March, kind, plane of:, durasnillo, menendez pelayo, sheet of, architect, owner, esc, Owner: gamboa huaylluco sra. jinchupalla street: prolongation menendez pelayo sup.de lot: sup.construida cadastral code: date: March, kind, legalization, plane of:, durasnillo, menendez pelayo, cut, garage, bath, Deposit, kitchen, laundry, rme, low level, second floor, total area, first floor, ratio of areas, cantilevers, smel, by const., optional, amf, His p. cadastre, assigned use, aml, rule, fml, His p. testimony, references, application, times, uspa pattern, application, ground, draft, pina., yard, dinning room, bath, main line, second floor, yard, mouth, extension, legalization, extension, new construction, existing construction, const. demolish, bath, garage

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Garage, Deck / Patio
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  • Released

    November 29, 2017

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