Electrical Details DWG Detail for AutoCAD




Details of electrical installations of panels and lighting points for the school in the city of CatacaosPiura

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Arq., Arq. Teodoro Acevedo Vereau, Arq. Humberto reyes t., Arq., National institute of educational health infrastructure, reviewed, Unit head, code, system, sheet, plane of, school, drawing, design, Location, date, scale, electrical installation, January, National institute of educational health infrastructure, Revised approved, Arq. Jorge kanashiro h., Arq. Humberto reyes t., scale, date, Ing. Rony becerra valenzuela, Modulo octogon classroom, Cip, Location, design, drawing, school, plane of, E.g., system, sheet, code, Bracket with reflector screen metal diffuser, With three fluorescent lamps, With two fluorescent lamps, Bracket with reflector screen metal diffuser, ceiling, High capacitors, Mm steel plate bracket, Fluorescent lamps, This will be similar to the one made by josfel modelo, Technical specifications, Equipment with equal starter reactor, Josfel tp, Equal reactors alpha, Transparent prismatic acrylic diffuser, Circular fluorescent lampara of, Mm thick steel frame, Type luminaire, Baked enamel, symbol, Fluorescent lamp, Mm steel plate bracket, Equipment with equal starter reactor, Technical specifications, High, symbol, Type luminaire, Ceiling-mounted tub for ceiling-mounted speakers, Floor tubing for ceiling, Built-in floor tube for intercom, Built-in piping in floor of, Built-in floor-to-ceiling telephone line, Electropump board, Wall-mounted tubing, Tw., With tw., The luminaires will be of steel plate of thickness as the piece, The boxes will be of the heavy type of galvanized faith of minimum thickness., Will be enameled in baked white, The receptacles will be double of the type to embed in ivory color the same as manufactured by ticino, The unipolar switches will be made of bakelite color ivory the same as manufactured by ticino series modus, Series modus., Garden lamp with a lamp., With lamp Fluorescent, Light industrial luminaire, Lamp Fluorescent includes support, Fluorescent, Lamp Fluorescent, Recessed luminaire with, Bracket with lamp, Economic bracket with fluorecent lamp, Fluorescent, Of cold light type., Speaker output, Built-in zorus reflector, Single outlet, Exit to intercom, Triple double switch, Outlet s, Earth connection, Pushbutton, Earth, Three-phase output with earth ground, Transformer, Bracket with porcelain socket, Reflector bracket with lamp, With lamp Circular fluorescent, Square plastic whole lamp, Force output, Saver, High capacitors, Equipment with equal starter reactor, Fluorescent lamps, Mm steel plate bracket, Technical specifications, Type luminaire, symbol, Type luminaire, ceiling, oct., Technical specifications, Reflective sheet of phosphatized steel sheet enamelled to the, Perimeter frame made of anodized aluminum, Equipment with equal starter reactor, description, legend, Similar light fixture josfel ela, High capacitors, Fluorescent laminas de w., Acrylic diamond diffuser, box, Alt.s.n.p.t., Type luminaire, symbol, Capacitors, Fluorescent lamps, High, Equipment with equal starter reactor, Steel plate reflector screen, Technical specifications, symbol, Type luminaire, Oven in white color., Dimensions of wood niche, The smaller gauge conductors will be solid wired. Those of greater caliber, The conductors will be electrolytic copper conductivity insulation type tw, Will be wired., Notes, The pipes will be of the same matusite forduit similar, They will be like indeco ceper similar, The power cables will be of the type nyy of v. Similar indeco ceper similar, According to fabric., Computer card, Aluminum body with baked enamel finish, Unbreakable polycarbonate diffuser, Saving lamps, Similar made by josfel, symbol, Type luminaire, Similar josfel r., Porcelain sockete with lamp bulb, With galvanized wire mesh, symbol, Type luminaire, This will be similar to the one made by josfel modelo, ceiling, ceiling, Niche dimensions in false ceiling, Enamelled oven in white color., symbol, Type luminaire, Metal diffuser, Fluorescent lamps w., High capacitors, Similar light fixture josfel merh, Equipment with equal starter reactor, Perimeter frame made of anodized aluminum, Reflective sheet of phosphatized steel sheet, Technical specifications, Technical specifications, oct., inside, Enamelled white painted steel iron reflector, Aluminum profile, Acrylic diffuser, Ignition equipment, Niche of wood

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Detail
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Aluminum, Plastic, Steel, Wood
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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