Horizontal Flow Constructed Humidity DWG Section for AutoCAD




Shot with Wastewater Treatment and Septic Tank Horizontal Flow Constructed Wetland for small communities in the area of ??the Forest of Peru. Plant – Sections – Construction Details

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Other purposes, recreation, Other purposes, Catholic Church, Park, Communal services, Health, education, recreation, private property, Other purposes, private property, Street, Other purposes, Street, initial, Street, Project management office, Ofp pichari, National public investment system, Drainage channel, Roof projection, Drainage channel, Roof projection, Qd lps, Qd lps, Tub pvc salt iso mm, Tub pvc salt iso mm, Tub pvc salt iso mm, Emitter line to septic tank, Tub pvc salt iso mm, Tub pvc salt iso mm, Camera of bars, Bz no, septic tank, Cash register, Horizontal flow type artificial wetland, Camera output, Bz no, Issuing line, Camera of bars, septic tank, cut, cut, Horizontal flow type artificial wetland, Inert material, Typha sp, pending, gravel, Material waterproof clay layer, Of artificial wetland gravel, Material compacted in layers of, crown, your B. Distrib., Free edge, depth, crown, Granular medium, Wetland entrance, your B. Distrib., Exit of wetland, Detail pipe sieving, For cleaning, Wetland entrance, Not planting, Gavion, Gavion, Metal, departure, entry, Wetland entrance, Esc, Exit of wetland, Esc, Metal, Of entry, Output, Pvc sap screening, Inert material, Typha sp, pending, gravel, Hdpe geomembrane, Material compacted in layers of, Of artificial wetland gravel, Material compacted in layers of, crown, your B. Distrib., Free edge, depth, crown, Granular medium, Wetland entrance, your B. Distrib., Exit of wetland, Detail pipe sieving, For cleaning, departure, entry, Wetland entrance, Esc, Sole, departure, entry, N.a. Wetland, Metal, Wetland entrance, Esc, Esc, Wetland entrance, Esc, Sole, Wetland entrance, Esc, Not planting, Wooden door with wire, Fencing with bush of the fenced area, Ventilation duct, Ventilation system in corners, Drying bed, The dib. Not this scale, warning, If the bar does not measure, This plane is not valid unless the last revision this signed hand, Unit formuladora angel of services basic integral community union artificial fh kinkori.dwg, do not. archive:, District municipality of pichari, Revision description, Rev., Ing.discip .:, Coord.proyect .:, Ing.proy.disc .:, Drawn:, Department, province, district, location :., Location of public investment project:, Graphic design engineer, review, approval, Elab. profile:, description:, draft:, Installation of comprehensive basic sanitation services, In the community of union district of pichari, Horizontal flow artificial wetland, Convention, Pichari, Kenkori community, date, Ing. Angel fredy zorrilla juscamaita, Ing. Jaime navarro, Ing. Alberto malca ore, Opi pichari, scale, Sections, The convention cusco, Wastewater, scale, Processing facilities, scale, Input box output, scale, plant, Horizontal flow artificial humidity, Steel f’y, Technical specifications, concrete, Pipe fittings, steel, Minimum coatings:, Fc, Slab cms., Fluids pressure., Peruvian technical standard iso para, Pvc accessories pipe must meet, Fc, Wall of cºaº cms., Ing. Azj, Ing. love, Ing. Azj

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Section
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Concrete, Steel, Wood, Other
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park
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