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Residential Electrical Installation Plano Home DWG Full Project for AutoCAD

Residential home electrical installation; explicitly circuit lighting and power with their pictures; for analysis in an intuitive and easy way. What has this project: – Ground Installation (Structure) – Ground Lighting (lighting circuit). – Ground Force (Power Circuit). – Table to load. – Rotulacion. – Board of lighting. – Splice .

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Tda, Cto, Plug, total, center, power, phase, total, Protections, differential, Circuit breaker, canalization, Cond., Duct, diameter, Location, Nºport, lamp, Nya, sensitivity, extension, total, others, picture, load, Conduit, unit price, Total value, lighting, Plug, Tda, dinning room, living room, kitchen, aisle, living room, dinning room, kitchen, dinning room, living room, kitchen, Tda, Cto, total, center, power, phase, Protections, differential, Circuit breaker, canalization, Cond., Duct, diameter, Location, total, others, picture, load, Nya, Pvc, Conduit, living room, dinning room, aisle, kitchen, aisle, bath, holder, lamp, dinning room, kitchen, aisle, bath, Plug, Nya, Pvc, Conduit, plant, sensitivity, Cto, draft, lighting, home, room, scale:, date:, Street:, Partridges, commune:, appeal, owner, firm, first name, Rut., Installer, firm, sheet, total, concentric, aerial, Trifilar superimposed, pass box, Duct, Tpr, Nya driver, value, Measured, Resistance, value, Measured, Resistance, instrument, Frog, Electrodes, Approval, board, lighting, Rut., flat, installation, Cto, Notes, Modified, any, symbol., the, Tubes, Pvc, accounted for, with, color, for, Orange tree, Confuse, with, the, Walls, building, the, Cirujitos, They stayed, with, Squares, for, Confuse, picture, load, Indenti, everybody, the, materials, employees, Used, in this, draft, installation, home, lighting, Tation, is it so, Ados, Approved, by, super, Quartermaster, Electrical, note, Obligatory, Symbology, employee, East, draft, has, a, measure, Nal, Established, by, kind, Format, Zado, measure, of the, Plug, proportional, measure, of the, proportional, switch, measure, proportional, the, Centers, measure, proportional, of the, Tda, job, a, arrow, for, To edify, entry, living place, differential, sensitivity, Circuit breaker, Plug, Plug, bar, Cuper, Circuit breaker, lighting, license, title, domiciliary, living room, lamp-holder, anti, Splashes, Sockets, anti, Splashes, Nal

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Full Project
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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