Inst Health Of A Residential DWG Plan for AutoCAD

Residential located in the city of Chiclayo. the file contains complete plans for wastewater facilities, sewer, storm drainage, construction details as well as technical specifications, legends.

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

N.p.t., Food arrives, tank, chap., Of h.p., Suction trunk, Suction basket, With standing valve, Threaded, Val. Floater, Concrete cover, your B. Suction pvc class, Drive out, N.p.t., Lps flow rate, A.dt. M., Pumping equipment., Single phase electropump, features of the, H.p., efficiency, Of the wall position, Box plated in ceramic inside, cold water, Paint blue, Esc., N.p.t, Note: the control keys will be spherical type., Control key detail, To paint red, Vertical Horizontal, Hot water, symbol, description, water meter, Bronze spherical valve, Cold water pipe, Float valve, Hot water pipe cpvc, check valve, Detail of electric pumps, impulsion, Electric pump, ., N.p.t., With standing valve, Suction basket, your B. Suction pvc class, Threaded, Towards elevated tank, ., Electric pump, Step valve, Bottom fund, Cape, Storm drain pipe, Yee double, description, symbol, Yee simple, Sanitary yee, register machine, sink, Threaded registration, trap, Pipe vent. Pvc salt, Pvc, Will be from, Properly tarrated., Ventilation hat, The minimum slope of the drainage pipes, Will end s.n.t.t. Ending in, All ventilation pipes will be pvc, Of pvc with indicated characteristics., Will be protected with mosquito netting, The tank tank overflow outlets, The registration boxes will be of simple concrete, The next test, Without allowing leaks., Before draining the drain pipes will be done, Filled with water after, Low exits should remain hours, The ventilation drain pipes will be, Technical specifications, by the Wall., Threaded., Technical specifications, Before covering the water pipes should be, Lb. In. Installed in niches see detail, All water pipes run preferably, The water pipes will be pvc sap class, Similar crane for a pressure of, The spherical valves will be of bronze type, Between universal unions., By hand pump must withstand, A lb pressure. In. during, Minutes without allowing leaks., Perform the following test, Trap splicing, relief valve, drain, Cold water arrives, Nipple, reduction, Typical detail therma, services, Cpvc., Therma, your B., Lts., Drive up, elevated tank, Esc., bedroom, double, principal, bedroom, double, laundry, of service, bedroom, principal, bedroom, simple, living room, dinning room, kitchen, laundry, bedroom, double, principal, bedroom, hall, simple, bedroom, kitchen, simple, bedroom, dinning room, living room, principal, bedroom, double, simple, bedroom, kitchen, bedroom, living room, laundry, hall, hall, of service, bedroom, Revisions, flat, Signature seal, design, drawing, aura, draft, owner, draft, date, sheet, scale, residential, Block, sanitation, Block, sanitation, Block, residential, scale, sheet, date, draft, owner, draft, aura, drawing, design, Signature seal, flat, Revisions, flat, Signature seal, design, drawing, aura, draft, owner, draft, date, sheet, July, scale, residential, Block, sanitation, Block, sanitation, Esc., Typical plant, Roof, Esc., sanitation, Format, colors, Water, drain, Inst. Sanitary, Esc., Red, rest, blue, green, Cyan, yellow, Plotting, For sanitary appliances, Output heights, Lavatory, toilet, shower, key, ceiling, N.t.t., N.t.t., ceiling, Block, sanitation, Block, residential, scale, sheet, date, draft, owner, draft, aura, drawing, design, Signature seal, flat, Revisions, ceiling, N.t.t., yard, hall, entry, principal, entry, Esc., First floor, bedroom, of service, hall, hall, laundry, living room, bedroom, kitchen, bedroom, simple, double, bedroom, principal, living room, dinning room, bedroom, simple, laundry, kitchen, bedroom, simple, hall, bedroom, principal, double, bedroom, laundry, kitchen, dinning room, living room, terrace, garden, living room, dinning room, kitchen, laundry, bedroom, double, principal, bedroom, hall, simple, bedroom, laundry, kitchen, laundry, simple, bedroom, dinning room, living room, principal, bedroom, double, bedroom, double, kitchen, bedroom, living room, laundry, hall, garden, terrace, garden, hall, of service, bedroom, garden, simple, bedroom, principal, bedroom, of service, laundry, double, bedroom, principal, double, bedroom, garden, principal, bedroom, double, bedroom, simple, of service, bedroom, laundry, Roof top cold water, Typical hot water plant, First floor cold water, Typical cold water plant, Typical plant, Esc., sanitation, Hot water, sanitation, First floor drainage, residential, scale, sheet, date, draft, owner, draft, aura, drawing, design

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Plan
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Concrete
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features A/C, Deck / Patio, Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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