Olympic Pool DWG Section for AutoCAD




Plants – sections – facades – dimensions – designations

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

showers, m., showers, bathrooms v., dressing rooms, grandstand, polished cement floor, grandstand, capacity: per., grandstand, polished cement floor, grandstand, capacity: per., area of ​​circulation, n.p.t., vinyl floor of, npt, perimeter sidewalk, nft, olimpiva pool, stamped concrete floor, perimeter sidewalk, ceramic tile blamco, stylist, grandstand, polished cement floor, grandstand, capacity: per., grandstand, area of ​​circulation, n.p.t., vinyl floor of, npt, perimeter sidewalk, nft, olimpiva pool, stamped concrete floor, perimeter sidewalk, ceramic tile blamco, teacher:, indicated, scale:, student:, July, date:, course:, sheet:, draft:, educational village approach, huanuco province huanuco region, caymanina yanag district, pool module plant, flat:, teacher:, indicated, scale:, student:, July, date:, course:, sheet:, draft:, educational village approach, huanuco province huanuco region, caymanina yanag district, pool module court elev., flat:, teacher:, indicated, scale:, student:, July, date:, course:, sheet:, draft:, educational village approach, huanuco province huanuco region, caymanina yanag district, pool module court elev., flat:, classrooms, porcelain floor, table tennis, porcelain floor, table tennis, porcelain floor, pool floor, esc., cut, esc., front elevation, esc., left side elevation, esc., cut, esc., fuchas, ceramic floor, dressing rooms, ceramic floor, women’s toilets, ceramic floor, men’s baths, ceramic floor, dressing rooms, ceramic floor, showers, ceramic floor, polished cement floor, grandstand, capacity: per., classrooms, porcelain floor, classrooms, porcelain floor, classrooms, porcelain floor

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Section
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Concrete
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Pool
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