Bathrooms Detail DWG Detail for AutoCAD




detail building bathrooms family homes. cuts elevations plants

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Floor bathroom., Plant at, begins, modulation, Marble board, Bevelled mirror, ceramic, paper bin, soap holder, Ring towel, Hook towel, soap holder, ceramic, Painted, Bevelled mirror, Marble board, soap holder, Bruna, cut, ceramic, Painted, Bevelled mirror, Marble board, Bruna, cut, Sanded glass, Marble floorboard, ceramic, Bevelled mirror, Painted, cut, Lifting without doors, Proy.repisa, ceramic, Painted, cut, Sanded glass, Bruna, soap holder, Floor bathroom. principal, Plant at, ceramic, paper bin, soap holder, Marble board, Bevelled mirror, Ring towel, soap holder, cut, Sanded corred glass., Fixed sanding glass, Painted, Sanded glass, tube, Glass shelves, cut, Painted, Marble floorboard, ceramic, Bevelled mirror, ceramic, Bevelled mirror, Marble board, ceramic, Painted, cut, Marble board, Marble sink, Recessed mirror, ceramic, Bruna, Typical cutting board ovalin, For boards without furniture under the ovalin, Esc., variable

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Detail
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File Type dwg
Materials Glass
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Footprint Area
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