Accommodation On 2 Floors DWG Full Project for AutoCAD




This file may observe a housing project on 2 floors; which consists of the respective plans; courts; facades; electric and sanitary installations and structural plane

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

patio, laundry, covered slab, deck slab, variable, pressure tank, sanitary design, project, name :, theme :, date, note :, group :, jose eduardo quezada peñafiel, house with sanitary facilities, beam see, beam floor, living room, dining room, lavand., pedestrian, bathroom, kitchen, dining room, deck, technical specifications, foundations, stairs, floors, ceramics., plaster, normal mortar .., toilets, edesa or similar, paintings, rubber , doors, treated wood, windows, aluminum and glass, installations, recessed .., roof, structure, subfloors, simple concrete, slabs, reinforced concrete, reinforced concrete, inns, granite, walls, blocks victoria, slab, north, geographical location , province, guayas, cantón, guayaquil, parroquia, pascuales, urbanization, rosales, solar, manzana, roof structure, reinforced concrete, architectural, indicated, cadastral code:, digitized :, architectural design :, contains :, scale :, date:, technical responsibility:, owner:, work :, thorny residence demera, walking, closet, porch, cto. pump, family room, ground floor, upper floor, cuts – facades, facade, side entrance, slab projection, normal mortar, novalosa, metal, delineacion :, file :, lamina :, resp-arq., resp-tec., prop., residence thorny demera, – lighting designs and receptacles, – designs telephone, description, symbol, sab, wall sconce, double switch, simple switch, simbology, point of light, meter board, distribution panel, socket combined with switch, recessed pipe in floor or wall, recessed pipe in ceiling, bell pushbutton, commtado switch, main distribution board, measurement board detail, no scale, base socket, cover, connection detail, grounding, finished, put , circuit breakers, enclosure, kwh meter, floor, rod, breaker, wall, goes to panel, dipstick, entry connection, housing box, main breaker, balcony, circuit worksheet, service, panel, monofasico, points, volt, p.installed, disyun tor, amp, pole, phase, conductor, cable, duct, split, unit, condenser, washer, dryer, refrigerator, pump room, p.estimada, fc, sanitary facilities, plug for, priming, stopcock, downpipe, sewage network, water meter, drain point, registration box, sewage, drinking water network, hose tap, aa.pp. column, pipe crossing, drinking water , pump and pressure tank, plant, record box, ace collector, mortar filling, plaster channel, hole, cut, horm. simple, inspection cap, base of h.s, td-g, pd-pb, pd-pa, connection cnel, single-line diagram, copperweld copper rod, val. control, distribution, structural design, stair detail .–, plant .–, and …, x …, will be used:, climbs, brace, wall of stones, senses, d two, replantillo, filling well compacted, detail of plinths .–, sheet of, plinths .–, upper floor .–, foundations .–, detail of pillars, foundations .–, thickness of welding, thickness of fillet, thickness of the part , galvanized anticorrosive protection, est., gardening

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Full Project
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Aluminum, Concrete, Glass, Wood, Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features A/C, Garden / Park, Deck / Patio
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  • Released

    December 27, 2017

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