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Packer For Meat Products DWG Block for AutoCAD

Packer for meat products of bovines and porcines – Plant

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

room, maintenance, conservator, reception, channels, machines, bone warehouse, fresh product, vacuum packing, storage for, material, packaging, control of, shipments, yard, maneuvers, general store, utilities and, products, cleaning, prophylactics and, props, process, washing and, sterilized, cutlery, equipment cellar, storage, cutlery and, utility, washing drums and baskets, dining room, workers, kitchen, toilets, women, washbasin , communal, showers, men, changing rooms, laundry, doctor mvz, lock, washing, aprons, platform, boarding, rolas, bar, serve, bar, visits, garbage area, ford, sanitary, details, architectural plant, graphic scale, workflows, content :, project :, development :, dimension :, in meters, owner :, location :, projected :, scale :, description :, key :, product cutting and deboning room, sketch of , location, north, packing flow, flow of process personnel, can rta, overhead, area of, disembarkation, of channels, jr, exit of, seizure, flow of bone, symbols:, pedestrian access, vehicular access, visitor parking, personnel parking, maneuvering yard, service area, process, refrigeration area, raw material receiving path, finished product exit path, machine room, cistern and hydropneumatic, garbage container, truck washing, flow diagrams, assembly plant, cutting room and, boning , packing room, packing, warehouse, upstairs, mailbox, access, product, finished in box, aisle, armed boxes, up to, top floor, prodvacion conciervacion. finished, fast freezing, arq. mario alberto ramirez cortes, area for, product of, bovines, swine, mattress, attachment, washbasin, sterilizer, platform, inspection, tilt, trucks, estractor, steam, freezer

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park, Deck / Patio, Parking
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