Cultural Center In Cusco DWG Block for AutoCAD




Es una propuesta para un centro cultural en la ciudad de Cusco en el distrito de Wanchac contiene planos arquitectonicos con la distribucion de los espacios necesarios para este centro cultural conjuntamente con elevaciones y cortes

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

district municipality of wanchaq, top. jesus sapacayo s., revision: area manager, sheet :, engineering :, topography :, plan :, project :, dist:, department:, prov:, approval: director of works, current and perimetric status, drawing :, date :, ind., scale:, wanchaq, cusco, division of studies and projects, location:, telephone of the peru, nm, location in the departmental context, ucayali, junin, ayacucho, apurimac, arequipa, puno, mother of, god, the convention, calca, paucartambo, urubamba, anta, quispicanchi, paruro, acomayo, canchis, canas, chumbivilcas, espinar, city of cusco, huatanay sub-basin in the provinces of cusco and quispicanchi, huatanay river, acequia, rio huaccoto, acequia, plaza de armas, park without name, cachimayo river, rio pumamarca, canal, ca. no name, tungasuca, gregorio apaza, mariano castro, tomasa tito condemayta, antonio bastidas, bermejo tambohuasco pumayalli, miguel bastidas, carmen rosa noguera, rose tupac amaru, ventura monjaras, mariano tupac amaru, diego tupac amaru, hipolito tupac amaru, hipolito t . amaru bastidas, tupac katari, ink, bernardo tambouvasco, la capullana, santa martha, villa del carmen, jose carlos mariategui, av. of commerce, jr. the geraneos, jr. the magnolias, jr. the gladioli, jr. the gardenias, av. the palm trees, jr. arica, jr. tacna, jr. pacific, jr. zarumilla, victor angles, japan, manuel chavez, holland, gustavo perez, jr. raul salizar, colquepata, diego quispe tito, almagro, loreto, psje. seville, wispampa, psje. felipe sicus, kullchi, mariano zapata, prolongation garcilaso, prolong. francisco bolognesi, av. Peru, France, Ayarmaca, the pines, m. caceres, trujillo, j. to. of sucre, sucre, san martin, san martin, simon bolivar, bolivar, chima, alonso, marshal castilla, garcilaso de la vega, francisco bolognesi, daniel arteaga, mateo pumacahua, camino real, san jose, a. dogwood, psje. san luis, psje. sta. rita, psje. san pedro, san miguel, triunfo, cruz pata, cesar vallejo, psje. tupac amaru, the alamos, freedom husares de junin, triunfador, liberator, jr. mariscal castilla, hillside, psje. Heart of Jesus, prolongation mariano saints, psje. loa, cepita, bellavista, inti raymi, psje. the flowers, flower of the cantuta, jose olaya, naval, miraflores, tarapaca, angamos, vallecito, the pearl, prol. Diego de Almagro, prolongation bolivar, andres alicante, av. the countryside, miguel grau, jr. of the union, san sebastian, av. via express jose gabriel condorcanqui, nestor valenzuela, ciro alegria, ricardo palma, av. tomas tuyrutupa, san jose, av. england, canal, denmark, pumayalli, avenue cusco, prolongacion avenue cusco, av. germany federal, av. Swiss, Tohmas Katari, Chimayo, Av. England, Peter Mendigura, The Roses, ca. the carnations, av. rene of the hill, against admiral grau, d. tupac amaru, park, children, oval, santa maria, park without name, c h o q u e c a c a c a, sports equipment, square, no name, river, pear, pedro vilcapaza, ramon castilla, chachacomayoc, pje. tupac amaru, psje. america, retirement, tupac amaru, psje.constancia, psje. sta. cross, av. Inca manco, psje. emerald, slope of the admiral, palaces, jr.ladrillo, huaynapata, that, quiscapata, rainbow, conception, zapantiana, coffin, purgatory, cabracancha, choquechaca, haturumiyoc, santa monica, ruins, psje. rock inca, san pedro, homeless, ash, avenida baja, avenida tullumayo, av. arcopata, iron, chaparro, union, vitoque, new low, h o s p i t a l, umanchata, av. apurimac, q u e s h u a, pantipata, aguacpinta, abracitos, zetas, arrayan, inticahuarina, maruri, afligidos, belen, a v e n i d a g a u, bridge of the rosary, san bernardo, santa teresa, santa clara, puluchapata, carmen kijllo, lechugal, trinitarias, prol. pear, tecte, concevidayoc, qhascaparu, buendia general, qhasqhaparu boy, monjaspata, meson of the star, theater, thrush, educated, procurators, silversmiths, pje. chasqui, qollaqalle, pje. pantaqcalle, pumaqchupan, psje. beautiful, psje. Spain, psje. m. of the saints, recoleta, the gardens of the Inca, atoqsaykuchi, tandapata, costs san blas, carmen alto, karichipata, psje. pandapata, psje. kiskapata, psje. pasñapacana, tambo de montero, s a p h y, jr. carmenca, prolonged Conquest, Calle Jerusalen, Jr. Emerald, jr. republic, jr. virreynal, jr. emancipation, the gardenias, av. abancay, av. ayahuayco, avenue la raza, jr. the liberators, psje. sn. sebastian, jr. chanapata, ccoricalle, tecsecocha, j. c. tello, c u e s t a, ricardo palma, a l e g r a, July c. tello, the broom, the

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Wood, Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park, Deck / Patio
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