Leachet Well DWG Block for AutoCAD

Sanitary filler

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

scale, Perimetric channel in upper edge, waterproofing with geosinteticos det., details of leachate well, consultant:, Provincial Municipality of Lucanas Puquio, reviewed:, approved, draft:, plane of:, district:, scale:, topography:, drawing:, design:, director:, date:, of project:, ads no, technical study of the environmental impact of the Luicóupuquio manual sanitary landfill in the province of Lucanas, reviewed, ing. luis enrique lopez castro, total of plans:, plan code:, scale, lightweight structure made of plump wood galvanized wire side view of pond for leachate, concrete block, galvanized wire hardener in jointing of round wood, plump wood, iron hook, waterproofing with geomembrane, scale, coverage details, cross-section, Wire hardener in combination of round wood, simple concrete die f’c for anchor of round wood dimensions, plump wood, concrete for, scale, waterproofing the base, scale, natural floor, clay, hdpe geomembrane, iron hook, concrete block, scale, lightweight structure made of round wood galvanized wire longitudinal cutting of the pool for leachates, galvanized wire hardener in jointing of round wood, iron hook, iron hook, concrete block, goes to natural channel, perimeter channel on top edge, concrete block, waterproofing of slope fixation of geosynthetics in upper edges, arrival pvc pipe, scale, Typical plant leachate, coverage with plasticized canvas, m.s.n.m, scale:, detail, natural floor, compacted clay, filling with own material, geomenbrana, surface runoff, ditch for water from, in sections of change of direction as curves will be paved, surface runoff, ditch for water from, in sections of change of direction as curves will be paved, detail, concrete block

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Concrete, Plastic, Wood
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Pool
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