Cadastral Map Of The Province Of Concepcion – Junin – Peru DWG Block for AutoCAD




Plane road network in the province of Concepcion.

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

slab d., e.g., c., prolong. ricardo palma, passage, prolong. Miguel Grade, jr alberto gerardini, e.g., lieutenant mayor, ing. antonio island cordova, Mr. olmedo salasar mucho, arq. Alfredo Gamarra Sativañez, ing. carlos alcocer veliz, Mr. Tito Miranda market, adm. Insulin Maravi Manrique, lic. manuel martinez paz, qf. carmen urdanegui espinoza, ing. isaias barrera gutierrez, observations, conception, flat, scale, dist., o.m., drawing, date:, date: november, richet r. nuñez almonacid, conception, approved by:, road network, sheet:, provincial municipality of concepcion, urban development plan, region, prov., responsible team, junin, reformulation, management edil:, Regidores:, provincial mayor of concepcion, dr. jesus chipana hurtado, pje, cultivation area concepcion, jr. grade, pje, jr. of March, pje, jr. hope, jr. junin, pje, jr. junin, av. mcal caceres, jr. ricardo palma, jr. tupac amaru, jr. Jorge chavez, jr. of July, jr. bolognesi, jr. huancayo, irrigation canal, pje, jr. San Martin, pje castle, jr. gonzales prada, road santo domingo, jr. of November, jr. May 2nd, av. farming, prol jr. George, pje, Calderon, jr. of March, psje. ulun, way of, av. farming, passive recreation area, jr. I like, pje, Street, jr. lame, pje, jr. august, jr. magdalena, passage, mcal caceres, pje, psje. solis, pje, psje. solis, surveillance road, jr. iquitos, jr. junin, jr. tarapaca, pje, pje, pje sn juan, pje, passage, jr. atahualpa, jr. grade, pje, jr. Daniela. Carrion, Ministry of Defense area, jr. junin, psj, jr. Cahuide, pje, passage, pje the heroes, prolg., pje, passage, pje, jr. bolognesi, psje. common, prolo jr. iquitos, prol. jr. huancayo, av. railway, av. mariscal castilla, prolongation av., prol jr. of March, cultivation area concepcion, jr. mantaro, central Road, psje., passage, central Road, av. from December, psje. stump, jr. mantaro, palm, prol jr., psje. florida, passage, pje, cultivation area concepcion, passage, tap, rest, jr. manco capac, pje, passage, AC. hope, passage, jr. America, passage, jr. san antonio, prol jr. manco capac, jr. The liberators, tupac amaru, jr. simon, pje, psje. San Martin, jr. atahualpa, pje sta.rosa, cultivation area concepcion, av. mcal castilla, jr. huancayo, passage, prol jr. iquitos, manco capac, b. leguia, marshal caceres, of March, jr. Richard, tupac amaru, psje. Juan, prol jr., dairy plant, the mantaro, alcala, EC., stadium, municipal, EC. of July, EC. heroines, Toledo, of July, EC., Park, heroines, e.g., supplies, market of,, club deport, mantaro, e.p., soc., mutualist, of March, club, retired, teacher, p.n., phone, principal, square, matrix, church, municipal, heart, sacred, EC., e.g., o.u., castle, Methodist, church, evangelical, chapel, EC., electric center, general, cemetery, chapel, Bulls, square, hospital, Warrior, duarte, tap, from padua, bolivar, capac, pro av., horseshoe, jr. May 2nd, EEC., e.g., mall, jauja, road sta rosa ocopa, Toledo, tap, creek layucha, December passage, jr. huancayo, av. leopoldo peña, home of, cristobal father, hotel, the hills, module, power of attorney, uge, huancayo, first-line route, first-line route, main waterways, saw

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Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
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File Type dwg
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Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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    September 10, 2017

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