Nasca Cartography DWG Block for AutoCAD
Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):
Wall, lagoon, AC. Juan Matta, AC. the daisies, AC. the alhelies, . the jasmine, . the gardenias, . the lilies, Federico Gavelio, av. bypass, jose maria mejia, jr. pepe, jr. wiracocha, AC. huaraz, maria stopped of bellido, jose olaya, zarumilla, jr. white lands, quispe, jr. Monroy, av. the walls, . Jesus Maria, . torrico, angela, av. teachers, caceres, San Martin, jr. the gardens, av. the Incas, the spinal, av. Civil Guard, AC. micaela bastidas, av. bypass, AC. Juan Matta, AC. Alfonso Ugarte, jr. tarapaca, prol. bologensi, jr sta Teresa, av. culture, the acacias, jr. the Palm trees, ricardo palma, Alfonso Ugarte, iquitos, San Martin, loreto, of July, callao, iquitos, loreto, ramon castilla, merry christmas, nicolas de pierola, South Pan American, andres avelino caceres, callao, of July, manuel gonzales prada, malecon white lands, jr. Monroy, av. Maria Reiche, av. of reconstruction, AC. gold, . astronaut, . huarango, . the needle, . Condor, . dog, . monkey, . white hill, . the tree, . the dune, . aqueducts, AC. zinc, . lookout, . loom, . hummingbird, . the walls, . raul jimenez chavez, . carlos giusti coinage, . chavin de huantar, . alcatraz, . the whale, . the spider, av. good faith, jr. juan velasco a., jr. Simon Bolivar, jr. San Martin, jr. mariscal sucre, jr. the Incas, jr. Manuel Antonio, jr. white hill, jr. tupac amaru, jr. atahualpa, jr. andres a. caceres, AC., ., AC., ., jr. jose carlos mariategui, AC. gold, AC., puquio road, jr. tupac yupanqui, jr. inca. yupanqui, AC., ., jr. sinchi rock, ., jr. huayna capac, jr. ica, jr. pachacutec, jr. wiracocha, jr. yahuar huaca, jr. inca. rock, jr. pisco, jr. ica, chincha, AC., lloque yupanqui, chincha, Chiclayo, sinchi rock, Mayta Capac, jr. capac yupanqui, lloque yupanqui, sinchi rock, manco capac, AC., ., AC., chincha, AC., palpation, Mayta Capac, Chiclayo, South Pan American, jr. Italy, AC. ignacio morsesky, ., . luren, . San Cristobal, malecon white lands, AC. central, . santa luisa, . Saint Rose, ., AC. white lands, malecon white lands, av. biscuit, AC., ., av. biscuit, AC., av. I sing, AC., jr. ica, palpation, jr. yahuar huaca, jr. pisco, San Martin, loreto, iquitos, callao, jr. inca. rock, jr. capac yupanqui, Mayta Capac, jose maria mejia, AC. Juan Matta, jorge luis garcia steps, AC. San Martin, AC. Simon Bolivar, av. bypass, caceres, angela, San Martin, zarumilla, jr. tacna, jr. arica, fermin of the castle, AC. lime, jr. callao, ricardo palma, Alfonso Ugarte, merry christmas, ramon castilla, AC., puquio road, nasca bridge, av. the walls, jr. callao, AC. Juan Matta, av. the walls, jr. Monroy, jr. pepe, jr. juan velasco a., jr. jose carlos mariategui, . the dune, . the whale, AC., AC. San Martin, AC. Simon Bolivar, fermin of the castle, AC. Miguel Grade, jr. arica, jr. tacna, jr. tarapaca, jr sta Teresa, the acacias, jr. the Palm trees, AC. the alhelies, Federico Gavelio, AC. Juan Matta, Federico Gavelio, AC. the daisies, av. bypass, AC. Cherry trees, jorge luis garcia steps, jose maria mejia, AC. the geraniums, AC. the tulips, AC., malecon white lands, AC. micaela bastid
Raw text data extracted from CAD file:
Language | Spanish |
Drawing Type | Block |
Category | City Plans |
Additional Screenshots |
File Type | dwg |
Materials | |
Measurement Units | |
Footprint Area | |
Building Features | Deck / Patio, Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park |
Tags | autocad, beabsicht, block, borough level, cartography, city, DWG, political map, politische landkarte, proposed urban, road design, stadtplanung, straßenplanung, urban design, urban plan, zoning |