Cadaster Of Recuay DWG Block for AutoCAD




Urban cadaster of Recuay City – Ancash – Peru

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

north, x ”, square, grotto, complex, jr. Burgos, jr. the sea, jr., jr. the sea, jr. palmira, jr., jr., psje., jr., av., psje., bullfighting, cemetery recuay, psje., use recuay, e.g. no, Coliseum, cantupampa, jr. j. key, advice, provincial, from recuay, National College, javier heraud, e.g. recuay, nuns, House of, hotel, santa, home, parochial, dinning room, market, central, Recuay Municipal Stadium, recuay hospital, marmolera, palomino, sports Complex, Institute, higher, technological, from recuay, National College, liberator san martin, jr., mz., apple tree, urban cadastre, municipal strengthening, municipality of, province, recuay, location, flat, office, design, Location, draft, recuay, topsys dvm, district, drawing, scale, reviewed, recuay, may., region, recuay, date, approved, chavin, scale, plant, nc, neighborhood down, jr. Jorge chavez, jr. the sea, jr. palmira, jr. freedom, jr. Sucre, jr. Mariano Melgar, jr. San Martin, jr. Jorge chavez, asphalted road huaraz pativilca, jr. San Martin, jr. freedom, asphalted road huaraz pativilca, marginal belt of bondage, asphalted road huaraz pativilca, municipal property land, av. centenary, passage, asphalted road huaraz pativilca, jr. future, jr. loneliness, jr. freedom, jr. palmira, jr. the sea, service, jr. Mariano Melgar, jr. independence, jr. future, small town squares, jr. the sea, jr. palmira, jr. freedom, jr. loneliness, psje. gonzales, psje. pachacutec, psje. golden brook, jr. Burgos, psje. Santa Cruz, psje. Holy Spirit, psje. golden brook, sports area, municipal, jr. San Martin, psje. the eucalyptus, Park, Park, municipal property land, psje. golden brook, jr. Burgos, other purposes, jr. San Martin, communal, other purposes, mercy of, Lord of the, regional, education, prop. bishopric of huaraz, owned by third parties, area, lot, lots, total, lots, lot, area, total, lots, lot, area, total, lot, area, total, lots, lot, area, total, lot, area, total, lots, lot, area, area, lot, lots, total, neighborhood down, holy river, agricultural plots, view detail of, servitude, view detail of, servitude, area, mz. lot, detail bondage, legal easement of passage, scale, jr. the sea, area, scale, detail bondage, jr. future, mz. lot, legal easement of passage, marginal belt of bondage, marginal belt of bondage, lot, area, total, lots, lot, area, total, lots, lot, area, total, lots, lot, area, total, lots, lot, area, total, lots, lot, area, total, lots, lot, area, total, lots, lot, area, total, lots, lot, area, total, lots, section, lp, variable, lp, variable, section, lp, passage, lp, plot, limit of, lp, variable, section, lp, variable, lp, section, section, variable, lp, sections of tracks, scale, agricultural plots, marginal belt of bondage, nc, boundary, hills, ground eriazo, cemetery, ground eriazo, natural pastures, broken tucuhuain, ravine, water channel, cemetery, horseshoe path, viv, t.d., church, natural pastures, holy river, district recuay, chapel, road trip, highway, I love you, carousel, cp, town, old, carousel, horseshoe path, carousel, asphalt road, huaraz lima, horseshoe path, asphalt road, huaraz lima, he road

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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  • Released

    September 27, 2017

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