Huanta Plane – Ayacucho – Peru DWG Block for AutoCAD




Huanta Plane – Ayacucho – Peru

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

districts, date, province, October, Department, huanta, I love you, drawing, flat:, produced by, andres quintanilla, scale, cofopri, general sanitation, commission of formalization of informal property, huanta city, huanta, description, area, perimeter, lot, area chart, indicated, esc:, date:, sheet:, ing. to. source, dib:, dis, flat:, province, district, apartment, place, huanta, jr. zarumilla, I love you, huanta, Location:, rev:, draft:, location location, buy ground sale, boundaries of independent lot boundaries, by the north front, with ml. pretty with jr. zarumilla, by the west right, with ml. pretty with lot nº, on the left this, with ml. pretty with lot nº, by the south bottom, with ml. pretty with lot nº, communal service, education, Health, jr. I love you, jr. jorge basadre, jr. santos chocano, jr. I love you, jr. abrahan valdelomar, jr. Luis Alberto Sanchez, rio accoscca, Park, jr. Luis Alberto Sanchez, jiron huaman poma de ayala, jr. theodore meneses, psje. javier heraud, psje. Mariano Melgar, passage, parish, jr. huancavelica, jr. huancavelica, psje. Flag Inappropriate Content, passage, jr. stars, passage, jr. eduardo rojas arce, psje. from January, jr. victor r. yangali castro, passage, jr. hugo matta tello, jr. eighth child, jr. Felix Gavilan, psje. amador garcia, pass the peace, jr. of June, jr. oswaldo n. regal, jr. tarapaca, jr. zarumilla, AC. sinchi rock, psje. lloque yupanqui, AC. saire tupac, passage, psje. vallusca rivera, road huancayo, psje. Joseph, psje. cirilo ore, Park, passage, psje. pedro sanchez, psje. donatilda retamozo, passage, Park, general cemetery of huanta, reserved area, risk area, reserved area, jr. thorn, jr. freedom, jr. j. c. tello, psje. bedoya, jr. fist, jr. of June, av. centenary, jr. Miguel untiveros, av. centenary, jr. of June, jr. fist, av. centenary, jr. thorn, reserved area, peace square, jr. fist, jr. r. alvarado, jr. j. c. tello, jr. thorn, jr. freedom, jr. r. alvarado, jr. of June, jr. Miguel untiveros, jr. of June, file no., jr. zarumilla, jr. merry christmas, passage, risk area, risk area, high hospital sector, channel of, irrigation, passage, irrigation canal, passage, psje. bedoya, jr. zarumilla, jr. Miguel untiveros, jr. fist, risk area, Street, irrigation canal, passage, irrigation canal, risk area, psje. renan caceres, jr. hugo matta tello, passage, jr. victor raul yangali castro, broken chaquihuayco, reserved area, psje. Jorge Sedano, reserved area, huayco, passage, passage, passage, passage, psje. Eduardo from, psje. pedro sanchez, passage eduardo spatz, jr. willy retto, risk area, risk area, ravine, broken chaquihuayco, jr. south base, jr. cave of stems, psje. San Cristobal, jr. florida, av. Ciro Valenzuela, jr. beautiful view, jr. from December, av. bypass, Park, psje. victor cordero lopez, jr. leoncio meadow, jr. leoncio meadow, av. bypass, jr. Juan Contreras, jr. beautiful view, jr. from December, psje. Contact Us, jr. leoncio meadow, av. ramon castilla, av. bypass, jr. progress, jr. tizaza, jr. progress, passage, sport slab, education, communal service, communal service, jr. tizaza, jr. beautiful view, psje. beautiful view, p

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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  • Released

    September 30, 2017

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