Independencia DWG Block for AutoCAD




Plane Independencia district

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Romanian):

that. Santa ligia, that. revoredo, av. chinchaysuyo, that. Quinones, that. By enero, that. Trebol, that. acacias, that. Jacinta, that. Lilas, that. Las casuarinas, that. primavera, that. bouque, that. narcissus, av. Of marzo, av. Tupac amaru, that. Damascus, Ca.los cedros, that. Los nardos, av. Los ficus, that. By junio, that. Abril, that. crisantemos, that. Cafetal, that. Encinas, that. Las americas, that. D. A carrion, that. America, av. central, that. De mayo, that. Villa alta, that. Revolucion, that. Of setiembre, that. De noviembre, that. De julio, that. Los cipreses, that. Los pacaes, that. Los higos, that. Los nueces, that. Las avellanas, that. Las capulies, that. Las moras, that. Flor de mayo, that. To quina, that. quantity, that. Los eucaliptos, that. Las hiedras, that. Los nardos, that. Las palmeras, that. Las retamas, that. Las flores, that. Los alamos, that. Los melones, that. Las guindas, that. Las sandias, av. Los jazmines, av. Los jazminez, ca.rosales, ca.crocotas, av. Los ficus, Gladiola, that. Los libertadores, that. Los mirtos, that. Los tulipanes, that. Los naranjos, that. Los geranios, that. Los olivos, that. Los claveles, that. Las amapolas, av. Los pinos, that. Los nogales, that. Los robles, that. Las manzanas, that. Las orquideas, that. Las gardenias, that. Las dalias, that. Los gladiolos, av. Tupac amaru, that. Los alnelies, that. Los lirios, that. Los sauce, that. Los laureles, that. Las paltas, av. Los castanos, that. Las magnolias, that. Las azalias, av. Los jazmines, that. Madre selva, that. Los nisperos, that. Las cerezas, that. Las peras, that. Las fresas, that. Los adelfas, that. Los castanos, that. florilandia, that. Las azucenas, That I’m leaving, that. Los cerezos, that. Las begonias, that. I’m leaving camelia, that. Arrayanes, that. Las camlias, that. Los alpistes, that. Las lucumas, that. Las chirimoyas, that. Las mandarinas, that. Las magnolias, that. Cerro de pasco, that. Los platanos, that. Los girasoles, that. Los pepinos, that. hortencias, that. Los jazmines, that. Los membersllos, that. Talara, that. Los andes, that. Los rosales, cs. San juan de dios, that. Santa rosa, that. Passion, av. Las americas, that. independencia, that. Sanchez carrion, that. j. Tuesday, that. Mariategui, av. Cesar vallejo, that. Los incas, that. Francisco de zela, av. De noviembre, that. By octubre, av. Tupac amaru, that. Kilometro, that. Tres dias, that. Los amautas, that. Los delegados, that. R. Castilla, that. De mayo, that. De julio, that. To democracy, that. Martin, av. Maria p. De bellido, that. Tres dias, that. Galvez, that. Olaya, that. Ricardo palma, that. Huascaran, that. To the reform, that. De noviembre, that. A. Ugarte, that. F. Bolognese, that. G from vega, that. To libertad, that. trabajo, that. Miguel grau, PJE. Progreso, that. De julio, PJE. ugarte, that. bolognesi, that. bolivar, that. Prado, that. Los andes, that. Los quechuas, that. Alcedo, that. Torre ugarte, that. H. Unanue, that. Los tumbos, that. Santa rosa, that. He pueblo, that. Los gladiolos, that. Tupac amaru, av. Maria p. De bellido, PJE. Los cocos, that. Melgar, that. Pumacahua, that. Angulo, that. collasuyo, that. Los aravicus, that. Los chancas, that. M. Cap, that. Manco cap, that. Sinchi roca, that. Lloque yupanqui, that. Los chancas, that. Los chasquis, that. Los mitimaes, that. Chimu, that. Tupac amaru, that. Amauta, that. quipan, that. ancasmayo, av. contisuyo, that. anduymarca, that. septimarca, av. Hurin cuzco, that. shoncomarca, that. A camayoc, av. Tupac amaru, that. shoncomarca, that. toledo, that. M. Bastidas, that. Rodriguez de m., that. Mayta cap, that. Cap yupanqui, that. Yahuar huaca, that. Wiracocha, that. huatanay, that. Pachacamac, that. Los tambos, that. quipucamayoc, that. Still rock, that. Amaru still, that. Sihuas Province, that. intiraymi, that. chasquis, that. A camayoc, av. Tupac amaru, that. Tupac still, that. Still yupanqui, that. Pachacutec, that. Huayna cap, that. Still yupanqui, that. Tiahuanaco, that. Paracas, that. mochicas, av. indoamerica, that. Huascar, that. Atahualpa, that. corekenke, that. paramonga, that. chanchan, that. cahuide, that. martinez, that. j. chavez, that. revoredo, that. De julio, that. A. Quinones, calle, av. huanacaure, that. Still rock, that. San pedro, that. andamarca, that. pacartambo, As ollantaytambo, that. huatanay, that. Coricancha, that. huaracondor, that. Hanan cuzco, that. tamputoco, that. Still somehow, that. muquiyayos, that. huamachuco, that. turibambas, that. Rio sapi, that. tread, that. pisac, that. Rio sapi, that. tread, that. quipaypampa, that. Quipay pampa, that. turibamba, that. Sacsayhuaman, that. ollaytaytambo, that. Paucartambo, that. quipaypampa, calle, that. Luis pardo, that. De noviembre, that. tumipampa, that. Lima, that. quipapaira, that. Rio sapi, that. tread, that. pampa, And in huamachuco, that. Los cerezos, that. Las orquideas, that. De julio, that. huamantanga, that. marco, av. condorcanqui province, that. huamantanga, calle, av. antisuyo, calle, that. Dammer, that. Ciro alegria, calle, that. Huayta, that. hatuncolla, that. The summer of hours, that. Buenos Aires, that. quisquis, that. calcuchimac, that. ocopa, that. huarocondor, that. Carmen bajo, that. Portada del sol, that. Valle sagrado de los incas, that. Rio vilcanota, that. Los claveles, that. Hnos hayar, that. Coricancha, that. Still rock, that. Hanan cuzco, that. mascaypacha, that. Nazca, that. huamampoma, that. Los claveles, that. Hnos hayar, that. Rio urubamba, that. Rio v

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language N/A
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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  • Released

    July 19, 2017

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