Environmental Conditioning DWG Block for AutoCAD

Tables Environmental Conditioning

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

sheet:, Environmental conditioning, Gnomonic projection, Arequipa latitude, theme:, course:, Alvarado juan carlos, Huatuco Carlos, group:, environmental, Rooms ingrid sofia, Latitude orthogonal projection, Rooms ingrid sofia, environmental, Latitude orthogonal projection, Rooms ingrid sofia, environmental, Latitude orthogonal projection, Time temperature interpolation, Hourly temperature calculator, legend, You fall, You winter, You will summer, I will spring you, Te tec, Speed of, air, Normal work clothes clo, Effective for people wearing, Temperature nomogram, Lte, Tbs, hatched area, comfort zone, Heating time, Tbh, legend, You will summer, You fall, You winter, I will spring you, Minimum temperature, maximum temperature, Cooling time, may, jan, sea, apr, feb, set, jun, jul, aug, oct, nov, dec, Time temperature interpolation, Cold zone, Hot zone, comfort zone, legend, may, jan, feb, apr, sea, set, aug, jul, jun, dec, nov, oct, Of isopleths c, Of effective hourly temperatures

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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