Acoustic Carpentry DWG Detail for AutoCAD




Construction details of acoustic insulation

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

each, development, architects, date, flat, scale, sheet, archive, units, units, scale, projection room window, plant, typical each, backstage, cloth burlap, glass wool, frame, wood strip, section, scale, wooden frame, glass wool, subject, backstage, wooden contrazocalo:, spaces between, slats will be completed, with additional slats of, wood of, Wood Ribbons, spaced apart, scale, elevation, wood strip, subject trupan, cloth burlap, glass wool, trunks of, similar formica, frame, applies, framework, ribbon, wall frame to hold, perimeter notches in, neoprene band of, backstage, cloth burlap, glass wool, frame, wood strip, backstage, cloth burlap, glass wool, frame, wood strip, framework, the entire perimeter, silicone seal, porous, the profile of neoprene, tapizon around the perimeter, laminated glass, the entire perimeter, silicone seal, porous, the profile of neoprene, tapizon around the perimeter, laminated glass, framework, wood strip, scale, tongue and groove, wood floor, frame of, applies, plush aluminum plush door, lower frame of, vinyl floor, wood strip, subject trupan, cloth burlap, glass wool, frame, trunks of, similar formica, trunks of, porous neoprene band, of adhered strip, applies, frame, framework, wood strip, subject trupan, cloth burlap, subject trupan, cloth burlap, wall frame to hold, perimeter notches in, neoprene band of, scale, trunks of, glass wool, trunks of, similar formica, frame of, maximum, frame of, applies, plush aluminum plush door, lower frame of, wood floor, porous neoprene band, of adhered strip, framework, ribbon of, applies, frame, machiehembrada, wood boards, frame, glass wool, machiehembrada, wood boards, wall frame to hold, perimeter notches in, neoprene band of, frame, wall frame to hold, perimeter notches in, neoprene band of, porous neoprene band, of adhered strip, framework, ribbon of, applies, frame, trunks of, glass wool, frame, applies, plush aluminum plush door, trunks of, similar formica, wall frame to hold, perimeter notches in, neoprene band of, neoprene band, adhered ribbon, ribbon of, applies, frame, porous, framework, scale, with flush mounted holder, frame, machiehembrada, wood boards, applies, ribbon of, applies, frame, framework, glass wool, with flush mounted holder, frame, machiehembrada, wood boards, applies, glass wool, scale, wood strip, framework, wooden frame, wooden frame, wooden frame, glass wool, glass wool, cloth burlap, subject, backstage, cloth burlap, subject, backstage, cloth burlap, the entire perimeter, silicone seal, porous, the profile of neoprene, tapizon around the perimeter, laminated glass, neoprene bands, thongs to press, glass wool, frame, wood strip, backstage, cloth burlap, framework, neoprene band of, ribbon, laminated glass, is

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Detail
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Aluminum, Glass, Wood
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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