Asuncion – Nochixtlan – Mixteca – Oaxaca DWG Block for AutoCAD




Plane of urban area Municipality of Asuncion Nochixtlan Oaxaca

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

rural, state, agricultural, machinery, sports, countryside, morelos, Jose Maria, Hill, ini, the three crosses, motel, mixtla, Santa Teresa, rural, fuel station, top of the hill, yundahuinza, extension, of April, priv. from, Obregon, canyon, pot, rural, santiago amatlan, santa maria nativitas, san andres sinaxtla, or the bathroom, Miguel Cabrera, Abraham, castellanos, priv. Abraham, castellanos, Emiliano Zapata, abraham castellanos, priv., morelos, xochitl, jose maria morelos, porphyry, diaz, highway, international, priv., nicolas bravo, Porfirio Diaz, nicolas bravo, freedom, san juan sayultepec, prolong. from matamoros, gift, agustin iturbide, February, Benito Juarez, nicolas bravo, freedom, Warrior, Porfirio Diaz, new street, April, melchor, field, altamirano, beyond, martinez gomez, eugenio caves, of November, of April, priv. of May, from obregon, venustian, carranza, reedbed, santa maria apazco, francisco villa, jacarandas, abraham castellanos, Obregon, priv., Emiliano Zapata, emiliano, shoe, of May, priv. from, morelos, priv. macedonian alcala, macedonian alcala, priv. morelos, heroes, jose maria morelos, av. youth, priv., Porfirio Diaz, priv. Lazaro Cardenas, san pedro quilitongo, independence, Lazaro Cardenas, gentleman, matamoros, felix, diaz, reform, abasol, progress, priv. from, matamoros, international road, Trujillo, Alfonso Lopez, sands, priv., felix, diaz, san pedro chilitongo, holy catarina, san pablo huitzo, the farmhouse, supercars, the Oak, the cedar, it was cool, san mateo etlatongo, supercars, plain cienega, iturbide, top of hill, stream, Walnut, priv., cedars, cohaiztli, jasmine, cones, warehouse, canyon, priv. margarito, perez, priv., freedom, priv., freedom, priv. Abraham, castellanos, priv. Abraham, castellanos, fuel station, fort, beautiful view, mts. approx., canyon, leon tolstoi, priv., of April, priv., of April, priv. of April, priv. to. Obregon, priv., of May, the pines, cedars, capulines, cedars, junipers, closed, Apasco, road apasco, canyon, fracc., veeñuusavi, To the mountain, leon felipe, abasol, xochitl, Pine trees, priv. youth

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
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File Type dwg
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Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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  • Released

    September 27, 2017

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