Balzar Detachment Project DWG Full Project for AutoCAD

Project for a traffic control detachment for the canton of Balzar in Guayas province – Ecuador, contains drawings (Architectural, electrical, sanitary and structurals) for traffic control sector and temporary stay of the guards who work duty at the detachment.

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

troop bedroom men, split, official guard, bedroom, official guard, dinning room, to be, kitchen, split, seat, closet, barrack room, women, closet, Useful, troop bedroom men, split, official guard, bedroom, official guard, dinning room, to be, kitchen, split, seat, closet, barrack room, women, closet, Useful, troop bedroom men, split, official guard, bedroom, official guard, dinning room, to be, kitchen, split, seat, closet, barrack room, women, closet, Septic tank, mm., reservation, projection of construction line, cover projection, food court, sanitary batteries, checkpoint, Bombs room, watchtower, Offices, parterre, general income, general income, control room, palletized warehouse, mm psi, symbology, box h.a. mt., electric system duct, ducteria comuniciaciones system, ducteria exterior lighting, electrochannel, Main panel, open, transformer bank kva, high voltage well, low voltage well, starting post, existing high tension aerial network, communication, electric, variable, troop bedroom men, dungeon, lobby, bedroom, official guard, troop bedroom men, dungeon, lobby, bedroom, official guard, entry, sidewalk, pavilion, troop bedroom men, dungeon, lobby, bedroom, official guard, entry, sidewalk, pavilion, slab edge, tank, troop bedroom men, dungeon, lobby, bedroom, official guard, entry, sidewalk, pavilion, slab edge, tank, mt., mt., Enclosure wall with revoked block, wall with galvanized mesh, mt., mt., Executive Director:, transit commission of the province, ing. martin dunn rodriguez, contains:, director, of the guayas, reviewed, date:, scale:, engineering direction, ing. julie yepez e., coordinator, sheet:, digitization:, vhl, road patrol, ar., rear facade implantation, detachment of manglaralto, administration, ricardo anton k., administration, ricardo anton k., cm., replantillo, cm., replantillo, c.t.g, Private school in February, av. daule, sub electric station, current detachment, av. daule, headband, hook, hook, cm., cm., cm., cm., anchorage, overlap, cm., cm., its T., details, its T., column, beam, its T., strut, mooring beam, column, wall, plinth, replantillo, strut, cut, column, wall, plinth, replantillo, strut, cut, galvanized pipe, entry door pillars, Executive Director:, transit commission of the province, ing. martin dunn rodriguez, contains:, director:, of the guayas, reviewed, date:, scale:, Mr. ricardo anton k., engineering direction, administration, ing. July Yepez Erazo, coordinator:, sheet:, digitization:, arq victor lituma vera, design:, plinth, sx cm., s and cm., cant .: u., f’c, Balzar detachment, implantation location, ar., Executive Director:, transit commission of the province, ing. martin dunn rodriguez, contains:, director, of the guayas, reviewed, date:, scale:, Mr. ricardo anton k., engineering direction, administration, ing. July Yepez Erazo, adviser, sheet:, digitization:, arq victor lituma v., design:, implantation, road patrol, Septic tank, tank, entry, parking, future area, increase, parking, ravine, av. daule, Balzar detachment, architectural plant, ar., executive director

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Full Project
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features A/C, Deck / Patio, Parking, Garden / Park
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