Blocks, Streets And Neighborhoods Of The City Of Buenos Aires DWG Detail for AutoCAD




Detailed map with all the blocks, streets, lines of street names by area division of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Captain of frigate Pedro e. Giacchino, of piety, Carlos Ambrosio Colombo, Argentine airlines, Pablo Giorello, Kavanagh corina, no official name, Federative Republic of Brazil, Blue Passage, Ricardo Palm, Cape Pablo T. fels, int. cantile, av. leopoldo lugones, av.gral paz, av.del del liberator, la cachila, vedia, santiago calzadilla, peak, greece, deheza, arches, o’higgins, arias, cuba, return bound, ramallo, av.cabildo, strap, vidal , av. san isidro labrador, victor pissarro, cramer, ruiz huidobro, conesa, commodore martin rivadavia, martin a. malharro, molds, algeria, kisses, ireland, father canavery, zapiola, vilela, av.guillermo udaondo, rio stones, quintana, av. larralde crisologo, int. guiraldes, paroissien, pinto, apple, cerrillos, cap.gral. ramon freire, jaramillo, arribeños, count, superi, roque perez, plus ultra, av.melian, amenabar, nuñez, av.pres. figueroa alcorta, juana azurduy, city of peace, ernesto a. bavio, alte.onofre betbeder, manuela pedraza, dr.victorino of the plaza, alte.daniel de solier, tronador, av.lidoro j. quinteros, fields salles, alte. manuel j. Garcia, Plaza, Juan Pablo Saenz Valiente, Post, Monroe, Ramsay, Tte.gral.pablo Ricchieri, Holmberg, Pedro Exote, Jose Pedro Varas, Guayra, Montañeses, Av. park, leopoldo basavilbaso, rodrigo ortiz de zarate, av. garcia del rio, olof palme, donated, victorian e. Montes, Machain, Juan Sebastian Bach, Mariano Acha, Ibera, Enrique Prins, Rafael Hernandez, Lugones, whitewashed white, Dragons, miller, Av.ruiz Huidobro, Washington, Valdenegro, quesada, Horacio Quiroga, Sgt. eduardo romero, av.costanera rafael obligated, mendoza, father neumann juan b., romulo naon, husares, salto, alte.atilio s. barilari, nicanor mendez, cnel. carlos sourigues, estomba, garcia del rio, congress, av.dr.ricardo balbin, hunters, oath, olazabal, pampa, gunners, manuel ugarte, tegucigalpa, echeverria, castañeda, puerto principe, temperley, miñoñes, pasaje ushuaia, franklin d . roosevelt, migueletes, mcal.antonio jose de sucre, jose pascual tamborini, dr.gerardo armauer hansen, av. cramer, tunisia, av.ernesto tornquist, munich, jose borches, av.congreso, d. rosemary, quebracho, dr.teodoro aubain, swan, aromo, dr. juan angel golfarini, dr.pedro i. rivera, chajari, prometheus, int. bunge, andres bello, av. oath, flower of the air, av. triumvirate, av.valentin alsina, galvan, av. Viceroy Vertiz, av. of the ombues, zavalia, jose hernandez, ramon j. carcano, valderrama, andonaegui, achira, viceroy of the pine, alberto williams, alberto gerchunoff, rogelio yrurtia, agustin mendez, emir merchant, av. luis m. fields, int. guerrero, jose maria sagasta island, av.olleros, plutarco, tracer fournier, soldier of independence, av. monroe, amambay, zabala, polycarpo mom, viceroy loreto, san francisco de asis, carlos e. pellegrini, teodoro garcia, pacheco, shakespeare, federico lacroze, alfredo guttero, carlos lopez buchardo, diaz colodrero, int. pinedo, capdevila, miguel angel way, takes a. Le Breton, Macedonian Fernandez, Alfonsina Storni, Athos Palma, Enrique Banchs, Iceland, Bucarelli, Aizpurua, Nahuel Huapi, Gorostiaga, Burela, Constantino Gaito, Av.dorrego, Maure, Villanueva, Hiroshima, Cdro. clodomiro urtubey, piran, viceroy arredondo, berthelot, jorge newbery, av. federico lacroze, altolaguirre, av.belisario roldan, beethoven, av. olazabal, aguilar, lieutenant benjamin matienzo, cespedes, olleros, gral.enrique martinez, av. sarmiento, pestalozzi, san benito de palermo, maple, virrey olaguer and feliu, ceretti, elcano, lavoisier, dr.honorio leguizamon, ortega and gasset, of the technique, catriel, volta, av.alvarez thomas, achega, dr.bernardo velez , dr.marcelo j. fitte, palpa, republic of slovenia, zado, carlos e. zuberbuhler, malaysia, baez, av. of the Incas, rufino, virrey aviles, av.cnel. marcelino e. freyre, medeyros, good waters, av.gral. indalesio chenaut, dr. Roberto Levillier, constituents, av. infanta isabel, martinian bonorino, av. elcano, av. casares, arevalo, bauness, zapata, cullen, andres arguibel, martires palotinos, av.tomas a. edison, republic of san marino, jeronimo salguero, carbajal, av. iraola, baragaña, corregidores, gral.manuel n. savio, manuel alvarez meadow, av.pres.pedro montt, huergo, clay, av.franklin d. roosevelt, sinclair, juan francisco segui, manuel padilla, santos dumont, chonino, av. forest, ezeiza, zamudio, john fitgerald kennedy, godoy cruz, juan a. buschiazzo, bolivia, demaria, heredia, concepcion arenal, puente del inca, fernandez blanco, fray justo santamaria de oro, av.albarellos, maria catalina marchi, av.combatientes de malvinas,, av. cerviño, the gaucho, zarraga, escobar, federal star, larsen, ancon, av. pres. ramon s. castle, talavera, av.adolfo cress, dr.emilio ravignani, dorrego, av. holy faith, father carlos mujica, gral. jose gervasio artigas, raul scalabrini ortiz, gelly, cochrane, caracas, paraguay, thin, cavia, emilio civit, av.ortiz de ocampo, judge tedin, arizona, cas

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Language Spanish
Drawing Type Detail
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File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
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Building Features Garden / Park, Pool
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    March 17, 2018

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