Cable Tray 3D DWG Model for AutoCAD




3d cable tray

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file:

acceso., wss, engineer, checked, drawn, issued for, date, rev., engineer, design review, scale, indicada, dim., mm., date, project no., date, drawn, checked, date, title, client, drawing no., cad file, sht no., rev, localizacion de transformador ccm, acf proyectos sa de cv, sdi proyect, arreglo general en planta, asc, vmc, avc, initial relase, asc, jsr, vmc, avc, water, systems, services, rights are reserved unless they, are specifically assigned in writing., contained herein are proprietary to, that corporation and its subsidiaries, the design concepts and information, is subject to the return on request., of water systems services and, this drawing or print is the property, company confidential, systems services. all patent, detrimental to the interest of water, they must not be reproduced, which the print is expressly loaned., must be used only for the purpose for, or otherwise used in any manner, they are not transferable and, and are submitted in confidence., calle cipreses, oficinas, transformador, mts. alt., centro de control de motores, medidor de luz, asc, vmc, avc, second relase, corte, charola, esc.:, descripcion, equipo, circuito, bomba alimentacion acido cloridrico, bomba dosificadora acido cloridrico, bomba alimentacion de sosa, bomba dosificadora de sosa, bomba alimentacion agua cruda, bomba de tranferencia de resina lecho mixto, bomba dosificadora de acido peracetico, bomba alimentacion agua filtrada, soplador de aire para mezclado, bomba de recuperacion de retrolavado, bomba de transferencia resina cation, bomba alimentacion de permeado de o.i., bomba dosificadora de sosa, bomba de tranferencia de resina anion, localizacion ccm, esc.:, bomba de alta presion o.i.

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language English
Drawing Type Model
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
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